Sunday, June 29, 2014

baby bird #2 (week 25)

June 25, 2014

How far along: 25 weeks

Total weight gain/inches: I can't wait to go to the doctor next week to get these numbers!

Maternity Clothes: Just tops, and Bella bands.

Stretch Marks: no new ones in sight :)

Sleep: Take me awhile to get comfortable, I have to have just the right amount of pillows, and once I fall asleep, I sleep very well.

Best moment this week: Wednesday :)

Miss anything: Bonnie Kayte and daddy

Movement: the most amount of movement ever, has been this week.

Food Cravings: cereal. cherries with the seeds. pizza. salad. peach pies. water!

Anything make you queasy or sick: nothing this week has!

Labor signs: none

Symptoms: tightness in my lower belly. frequent bathroom trips. emotional. 

Belly button IN or OUT: IN/OUT

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Happy :)

Looking forward to: my doctors appointment next Tuesday! :)

baby bird #2 (week 24)

June 18, 2014

How far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain/inches: Don't have exact numbers, but I am definitely growing! When I look down, I can barely see my toes.

Maternity Clothes: wearing Bella Bands, and some of the tops Aunt Stacey sent me!

Stretch Marks: no new ones!

Sleep: This week my routine is off. Your daddy is out of town for work (training) in Kansas. So I am sleeping weird hours, but at-least I am sleeping!

Best moment this week: Since you scared me on Saturday by me not being able to feel any movement, I've really enjoyed laying down, and feeling/watching you kick every day.

Miss anything: Bonnie Kayte and daddy

Movement: you're a busy little bb

Food Cravings: corn pops cereal. lemon berry slush. sugar cookie from the sugar shack. house salad with ranch. today specifically was chicken fried steak & mashed potatoes.

Anything make you queasy or sick: forgetting to eat!

Labor signs: lots of tightness, lower part of my belly, some days it's all over, and that really hurts.

Symptoms: cravings, growing belly, really sleepy this week, belly tightness, very emotional.

Belly button IN or OUT: IN/OUT

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: both.

Looking forward to: Feeling you kick daily. Growing weekly. You to be here. & for your daddy to get home tonight from Kansas!

baby bird #2 (week 23)

June 11, 2014

How far along: 23 weeks

Total weight gain: Don't have exact numbers, but I bet it's more than last week :)

Maternity Clothes: Today I wore my first Motherhood shirt 

Stretch Marks: no new. cocoa butter has been my good friend.

Sleep: I'm lovin' it

Best moment this week: Easy.... today! It's Wednesday, and I have a  baby bump. :)

Miss anything: Bonnie Kayte

Movement: you are still a busy busy girl. more and more movement everyday.

Food Cravings: cereal. lemon berry slush. mrs. bairds pies. 

Anything make you queasy or sick: cherry or apple pies 

Labor signs: none.

Symptoms: leaky boobs, lower backache 

Belly button IN or OUT: IN/OUT

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Happy :)

Looking forward to: meeting you. holding you. feeding you.

baby bird #2 (week 22)

June 4, 2014 (Doctor appointment @ 9:15am)

Today you are the size of a spaghetti squash.

How far along: 22 weeks.

Total weight gain/inches: 129 lbs, 21 inches.
(What I weighed at my past appointments:
4/18/14: 123 lbs
5/2/14: 126 lbs
6/4/14: 129 lbs)

Maternity Clothes: not  yet.

Stretch Marks: no new ones in sight :)

Sleep: It's getting a lot better! Thank Goodness!

Best moment this week: last night, I saw you kick :), and today... it's Wednesday!
18 weeks left!

Miss anything: Bonnie Kayte 

Movement: Yes. You're a busy girl.

Food Cravings: cereal, Taco Villa, donuts :)

Anything make you queasy or sick: forgetting to eat.

Labor signs: Lately, I have had lots of pressure down low, but that apparently normal. I just didn't experience this until way later in my pregnancy with Bonnie Kayte.

Symptoms: leg cramps, lower back ache, pressure. 

Belly button IN or OUT: IN/OUT :)

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Fair share of both =/

Looking forward to: Starting my baby shower registries at Target & Babies R Us. My baby shower in Oklahoma, in July. Meeting you. 

Next appointment: July 1, 2014

baby bird #2 (week 21)

May 28, 2014

How far along: 21 weeks

Total weight gain: still not exactly sure. I have an appointment next week though!

Maternity Clothes: not just yet, but your Aunt Stacey sent me a big box of maternity clothes.

Stretch Marks: no new ones in sight :)

Sleep: Last night I slept great! Best sleep I've had in a long time!

Best moment this week: Easy.... today! It's Wednesday!

Miss anything: your daddy

Movement: I felt you move for the first time Monday! May 26, 2014. It was a bunch of little flutters in one spots, then one big one. :) I smiled.

Food Cravings: breakfast burritos, chips & salsa, mango, cantaloupe, & Taco Villa!

Anything make you queasy or sick: same as last week.

Labor signs: none.

Symptoms: this past Sunday, I officially saw leakage from my boobs. 

Belly button IN or OUT: IN

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Happy :)

Looking forward to: going home to daddy this weekend, and attending Bonnie's bubble/water day today.

baby bird #2 (week 20)

May 21, 2014

How far along: 20 weeks

Total weight gain: I am not sure, but my clothes are fitting tighter.

Maternity Clothes: no yet :)

Stretch Marks: no new ones... yet.

Sleep: hardly any this week. night time, I never sleep. during the day, i get a few hours in.

Best moment this week: Today! it's Wednesday!

Miss anything: still missing sleep.

Movement: not yet.

Food Cravings: noodles, mango, breakfast burritos, chips & salsa.

Anything make you queasy or sick: I can go without eating so often. However, this week while I am eating anything, I get a random gag reflex going. It will last about 5 minutes, then go away. 

Labor signs: none

Symptoms: lower back ache. leg cramps. headaches.

Belly button IN or OUT: IN

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: majority of this week...happy :)

Looking forward to: Being home with daddy ( I am in Plainview for the month of May), and your arrival.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

baby bird #2 (week 19)

May 14, 2014

Today you are as big as a mango.
I love mango.
We love mango.

How far along: 19 weeks

Total weight gain: I am not sure, last appointment I weighed 126.

Maternity Clothes: not yet.

Stretch Marks: no new ones... yet.

Sleep: hardly ever :(

Best moment this week: every wednesday is my best moment. I turn a new week, so today has been the best.

Miss anything: sleep!

Movement: not yet!

Food Cravings: mexican food, salty things, cantaloupe, gallo salame, cereal, chocolate milk, pickles.

Anything make you queasy or sick: If I am not eating.. I'm sick!

Labor signs: none

Symptoms: lower back ache.

Belly button IN or OUT: IN

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Ehh... depends.

Looking forward to: meeting you... and sleeping better. 

Baby Bird #2

Feb. 5, 2014

Today your Maw-b took me to the doctor, because I had several cyst rupture. This was very normal, I had at-least one rupture every month, never did I have several rupture in ONE day. During my visit, I was asked if I could possibly be carrying, I stated "no", he still had me take a test just to make sure, it came out negative.

Doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound done the following day to monitor the cyst that remained on my ovaries.

(just 1 of my cyst^)

(you. so teeny tiny)

Feb. 6, 2014

I go in early morning for my ultrasound, during this, teeny-tiny you were discovered in my uterus. Lots of feelings rushed over me, lots of worry with fluid filled cyst still hanging around, abnormal tests coming back, HCG levels not rising, and it was very very early in the pregnancy. Maybe 15-20 days in.

This day... you were Maw-B and Mommy's secret. Excited at the thought, but having the doctor tell me that if worse came to worse, and I have a fluid filled cyst rupture, because of how big they were measuring... mom's health came first, and we would preform whatever needed to be done at the time. So we kept you a secret... until we knew that all was well of course.

Feb. 15, 2014

This day... your daddy asked me to marry him. My heart was completely full. I said yes.

We made plans.
We decided to get married on April 5, 2014, in Red River, NM.

(you baby bird, were still a secret)

Beginning of March 2014

I had several follow up appointments on my cyst, they were all disappearing, slowly but surely, and you... you continued to grow. Still had lots of worry, my levels weren't rising, abnormal test still came, but your heartbeat was there. I was happy.

March 29, 2014

I had my last appointment follow up before our wedding, levels still hadn't risen, abnormal test still remained.... but so did your heart beat, I shared the news with your daddy. He was elated.

April 5, 2014

Daddy, and I got married.

April 18, 2014

Today was my first official baby appointment with Dr. Belle-Henry (same Dr. that I saw during my pregnancy with Bonnie Kayte). No more cyst appointments... just all about you baby bird. Your daddy got to come with me to this appointment, some stuff was still off at this appointment, but you were growing, and had a strong heartbeat .

We got to see you on the ultrasound screen. That was exciting, and very comforting. At this appointment I was 15 weeks.

Doctor wants to see me back in 2 weeks to go over more blood work, do some more test, and another ultrasound.

May 2, 2014

Bonnie, and I head to this appointment together. Your daddy had to work, and guess what we found out..... you're offically offical. Levels have risen!
All my blood test came back great! You're growing beautifully! I will repeat my abnoral test after you arrive, in October.

Oh, and the best part... we also found out that you're a sweet baby girl! :)

We will name you Maddie Lou Roberts. We love you.

Next appointment: June 4, 2014


Friday, June 27, 2014

Our nest

June 6, 2014

I have been in Plainview since Steven and I got married. So I am just now getting to decorate our home, and make it "home".

I'm loving it. :)

Last Day of Pre-K

Bonnie & Mommy. 

First & Last day of Pre-K.
August 26, 2013- May 30, 2014

I just thought her first day was hard to grasp, but today was no easier. Well, at least for me it wasn't. 

Her hair is longer.
She's taller.
She's wiser.
She's even more beautiful.
She's a year older.
She's accomplished so much.
She's thinks she's completed school, forever after today.

One thing remaining...she's still my baby.

Today when I walked her to class, there were no jitters, but so much confidence in her walk, with who she is, and who she is becoming.

I smiled.

As of today, I am already preparing myself for her first day of kinder. I'm sure I will be flooded with much more emotions then.

But just like her first day of pre-k, my worries, my thoughts, & my concerns...

I know you'll be right by my side.
You urge us not to worry.

Thank you Lord, for all that you've done in our lives. Never ceasing. Love unfailing. For blessing me with such an amazing little girl. I'll cherish & love her, forever.

my favorite girl....

October 28, 2013

I talked to my sweet Bonnie girl tonight, and of course we just talked, and talked. She questioned me if I remembered her baby pictures when I was packing up our apartment, she asked me how many days till someone else could move into our old apartment, I said 3 days, "oh! 3 days! Like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 days??" No silly just 3. "Oh yes, like 1,2,3 days" yes, that was perfect, just like that 1,2,3 days!

Then I went on to tell her of some other stories that she thought were just oh so funny, & I could literally picture her sweet little face laughing, just like in this picture. she laughs, laughs, laughs, and when it's a really good story, I get a good hearty throw her head back kinda laugh, makes my life every.time. she does it, like... I pretty much live for those. We end the call with all of our I love you's, and me asking her the rehearsed question that I do before she goes to bed, with or without me, "Bon Bon, do you know what a kiss on the shoulder means?" (Following the question I usually kiss her on the shoulder) and she'll say "thhhat, you're good" and I'll say "nooo, it means you're perfect" she'll say "oh yes and kiss me back on l shoulder. 😊

After we hung up the phone, because we had to... it was bedtime, she called me back, I answered with "yesss?" She said "momma, um um when I call you tomorrow, can you tell me those stories again and and don't forget them ok?". Gosh I love her & miss her so much.

She's 5.

September 4, 2013

Dear my sweet Bonnie girl,

Oh how mommy loves. I have spent two hours this morning reading the monthly blogs of all the milestones I blogged about you as I watched you grow to be 1 year, and today you're 5, sister sue! What is happening??

Oh but how blessed my life has been... ever since the day you were born, I can't imagine my life without you. Ever.

My goodness you are growing to be everything I knew you would be, and more. You are so smart, true, funny, determined, beautiful, loving, helpful, uplifting, pure, loyal, forgiving, aware, and friendly.

mommy loves you so much, and today marks not only that my Pre-k girl is 5, but it marks the 5.BEST.years of my life yet, angel bug. You're my favorite girl. & my whole wide world. & I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. =]

Thank you for being my reason behind knowing exactly why "Bedtime with Elmo" makes anyone who watches it, ready for bed. Thank you for being my reason for laughing at all the things I said I'd "never let my child do", you have humbled me kid. thank you for using my green craft paint and applying it as lotion all over yourself, your car seat, and the back of my seat and saying "it was just an accident".... I miss you every-time I see the dried green paint on my back seat. Thank you for having brown eyes like me "because that makes us best friends" , and lastly thank you for loving me "40. 5.90. 20. 17.6, because that's a lot. "

P.s I love your laugh & i love making you laugh. And have I told you... You're my favorite 5 year old. Like ever.

Happy 5th birthday sweet baby.


"That table over there is the mommy table"  lunch with the birthday girl! — at Akin Elementary School.


Took Bon back to her dad after a great birthday dinner! 
We sang, and laughed the whole way, and she reminded me over and over that she turned this many today (using her hand and not having to hold down any fingers, because she's a big 5 year old!) 
it was so great... I miss her so much already. 

Ya know. 
I've just never been a fan of sharing.

Happy birthday Bon Bon!
Mommy loves!

My Pre-K girl.

August 26, 2013

She's got brand new school supplies tucked neatly into her clean backpack. First day of school outfit on... Matching hair bow. 

Thank you for providing every bit of it.

Bon, and I have spent the last couple of weeks talking about how excited she is about her first day of school in Hale Center... And ready or not, it’s time. No turning back.

There were some jitters, wondering about her making new friends, and who she will sit by at lunch. And that’s just me. I know she was a little nervous too. You know I got a little emotional this morning as I stepped into her world, walking the hall(s) she will everyday. I have some worries, a few fears because I don’t like the cultural “norms” in our world – many aren’t normal at all in our family.

I am just really proud of the Godly choices my 4 year old. almost 5, on September 4th (oh ya, and she has also been constantly talking, and reminding me of that upcoming day too.) child has made, but with every new school year from this one on, she will take a step further away from me, and that’s hard for every Momma.

But you urge us not to worry.

So, instead I’m praying this over her today:

I pray you will be near her when I can’t be.

I pray if she doesn't feel your presence, she will seek you and discover you’re right there with her.

I pray you will surround her with peace and comfort in every new situation.

I pray when she is pressured, you will help her stand.

I pray she finds one good friend, a brother or sister in Christ because it’s hard to stand alone.

I pray when that when she fails, she will forgive herself, and try again.

I pray you will give the school nurse an extra supply of patience and bandaids for my Pre-K girl.

I pray my sweet girl will befriend those that are new, lonely or both.

I pray she will not sit next the child who has to throw up in the class trashcan.

I pray she will be a blessing to her teacher and not a curse.

I pray you will bless her with Godly teachers as you have in the past.

I pray she will have fun.

I pray she will let her light shine, quietly or loudly, but in her own way.

I pray homework will be light and not become Home. Work.

I pray that you will help me to trust her choices, let her go even when it’s hard, and pull her close when she needs me to the most.

I pray above all, God, that you would use her challenges, disappointments and victories to draw her closer to you this school year.

I know she is only in Pre-K, but my word did this day come fast, so I can only imagine how fast it will fly by. Lord, help me.

Thank you for every gift. Thank you for my angel bug, and thank you so much for my Daddy, and for him being there with me this morning as we sent our Bonnie girl off to her first day.


Mother of a Pre-K princess.
 Waylo of a Pre-K princess.