Feb. 5, 2014
Today your Maw-b took me to the doctor, because I had several cyst rupture. This was very normal, I had at-least one rupture every month, never did I have several rupture in ONE day. During my visit, I was asked if I could possibly be carrying, I stated "no", he still had me take a test just to make sure, it came out negative.
Doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound done the following day to monitor the cyst that remained on my ovaries.
(just 1 of my cyst^)
(you. so teeny tiny)
Feb. 6, 2014
I go in early morning for my ultrasound, during this, teeny-tiny you were discovered in my uterus. Lots of feelings rushed over me, lots of worry with fluid filled cyst still hanging around, abnormal tests coming back, HCG levels not rising, and it was very very early in the pregnancy. Maybe 15-20 days in.
This day... you were Maw-B and Mommy's secret. Excited at the thought, but having the doctor tell me that if worse came to worse, and I have a fluid filled cyst rupture, because of how big they were measuring... mom's health came first, and we would preform whatever needed to be done at the time. So we kept you a secret... until we knew that all was well of course.
Feb. 15, 2014
This day... your daddy asked me to marry him. My heart was completely full. I said yes.
We made plans.
We decided to get married on April 5, 2014, in Red River, NM.
(you baby bird, were still a secret)
Beginning of March 2014
I had several follow up appointments on my cyst, they were all disappearing, slowly but surely, and you... you continued to grow. Still had lots of worry, my levels weren't rising, abnormal test still came, but your heartbeat was there. I was happy.
March 29, 2014
I had my last appointment follow up before our wedding, levels still hadn't risen, abnormal test still remained.... but so did your heart beat, I shared the news with your daddy. He was elated.
April 5, 2014
Daddy, and I got married.
April 18, 2014
Today was my first official baby appointment with Dr. Belle-Henry (same Dr. that I saw during my pregnancy with Bonnie Kayte). No more cyst appointments... just all about you baby bird. Your daddy got to come with me to this appointment, some stuff was still off at this appointment, but you were growing, and had a strong heartbeat .
We got to see you on the ultrasound screen. That was exciting, and very comforting. At this appointment I was 15 weeks.
Doctor wants to see me back in 2 weeks to go over more blood work, do some more test, and another ultrasound.
May 2, 2014
Bonnie, and I head to this appointment together. Your daddy had to work, and guess what we found out..... you're offically offical. Levels have risen!
All my blood test came back great! You're growing beautifully! I will repeat my abnoral test after you arrive, in October.
Oh, and the best part... we also found out that you're a sweet baby girl! :)
We will name you Maddie Lou Roberts. We love you.
Next appointment: June 4, 2014