Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Days: 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

Typing the title of this, made me laugh a lot. I am a huge blog slacker. and it shows. sigh.

here we go.

Day: 12 (LAST Tuesday)
"What is a saying that is catchy and has stuck?
-haha. ok I have several. but the ones that stick out the most are. "Oh come on" anD of course "Dannng Girl"


Day: 13 (Wednesday)
"When you you hear the word "warm"....what is the first thing that comes to mind?"
-this is easy. MY SNUGGIE. duh.
haha. this picture tickled me.
My snuggie does NOT look like this but I would so rock this on my couch. just sayin.

Day:14 (Thursday)
"Something new you have learned?"
 -Hmmm the thing that sticks out to me most...would have to be the love of a child.
there is this line from a song "How I'd give anything to feel love from a childs heart again"
Bonnie Kayte is just amazing to me. and her love in never ending for her mommy. and I have learned that NOTHING....AT ALL, will EVER be able to come between us and/or take that away. ;) and that makes me happy.
(click link below to view picture)
Mommy/Baby Love

Day: 15 (Friday)
"What is something that gets to you?"
-Rude people get to me. You do not have to be mean. its lame and makes you lame. the end.
(click to view picture)

Day: 16 (Saturday)
"Best Stress Reliever?"
-Driving with no destination listening to my iPod on Shuffle. its love. ;)
(click link below to view picture)
Fancy...take me away.

Day:17 (Sunday)
"Who is the newest person in your life that has a very special place in your heart?"
-currently. this person is Ellen Hart. ;) She is an amazing friend. I love m.e. time. (malorie.ellen (m.e.))
thank you for being such a good friend.
(click link below to view picture)

Day: 18 (Monday)
"What's something OR someone who gets you...No matter what?"
-this is easy. MUSIC. duh.
(click link below to view picture)
this is true.

Day: 19 (Tuesday) TODAY.
"What is something you have recently prayed about that God has answered?"
-Recently, I had been praying about a specific person who was in my life. I definitely believe that God places people in your life for "seasons"...but anyhow. I felt at the time that this person wasn't exactly helping me as a person or in my walk with God and I just asked God to open my eyes and heart and show me his will for me and my life and if this person needed to be in it or not. The specific person was actually removed from my life....and I'm ok with that. I am very thankful that I do not have to lean on my own understandings & that I have a Savior who has a love for me that is an unfailing love. amen.
(click link below to view picture)
blessed beyond measure.


Please share with me as much as you can. I'd love to know all these things I've answered for you guys vis-versa.

P.s. I promise to be better about blogging. till next time. I love you all. ;) malorie lucille.

Listen to --> "My Kind of Women" by: Craig Morgan


  1. I think i kinda like your blog! lol

  2. love this...lovee you and miss bonnie..glad your blogging again gives me something to you girly your an amazing person and friend....i couldnt help but think of you the other day when i was humps came on....mayneee those where the good ole days =)

  3. Thank you so much sweet girl!! YOur are an AMAZING friend and so glad that god let us cross paths! Will always be here for you no matter what and yes of course I love m.e. time =)


  4. glad you are back to blogging, I love to read your thoughts. Your a free person and I say that, in a good way!
    Loved the snuggie, I would wear one of those too, especially on a day like today!

    Take care and looking forward to your next blog!

  5. U r so gifted.....Love ur blogs......random thought,can sooooo totally c u as a journalist,traveling the world:))Luv Ya....,Africa
