soooo I didn't have school today, but like I announced in last nights blog
I had one sick baby. This morning I woke up,
called her Dr. and scheduled an appointment for 1:30.
off to Lubbock Bonnie & I went.
-got there, I checked in & immediately I had flash backs of all the times
I had been there with her, from her very first dr.appointment to her first shots appointment.
moving along now...
they took her temp. and she was running fever of 101.5.
Weighed her and she weighs 25.5lbs (she's a little thang)
I told the nurse all the symptoms she had been having the past two nights
so she swabbed her nose to test her for the flu....
results came back...
My angel bug has the flu.
(i know ;( sad day)
~She is taking Tamiflu & Sildec.~
here are some pics of Bonnie while @ the Dr.
(click photo to enlarge)
We left the doctors office & I had some running around to do, so I did just that,
then we went to the mall to get Bonnie some chick-fil-a & me a yummy fruit bowl from there too.
BUT they were CLOSED for remodeling!
Can you believe that. I was sad.
So we went over to that Italian food place.
I got a salad (that was pretty good) & Bonnie got spaghetti. =P
I drooled. twice while feeding it to her, & as she slurped the noodles up. haha.
AFTER: we ate.
Bonnie chose to walk around & find the "water" (the fountain), so we did...
and she threw about 100 pennies in there. Not even kidding. BUT I didn't care, my purse is so much lighter now & I had nothing better to do. & the look on her face every time she threw a penny into the water, sigh,
I captured every facial expression she made. & I saved every one of them in my mind.
PAUSE for a second.
(as I said on my facebook status today. "Today has really made me miss being a stay at home mom. ;(".
True story! I was thrilled to spend the entire day with Bonnie Kayte. Wish she wasn't sick, but even thou
she was. she was still so much fun & all her smiles made my day. I love her smile.)
after watching her throw 100 pennies into the fountain.
We walked around the mall looking for all the kiddy rides.
I spent $5.00 on the carousel dilly bopper,
that was her favorite. ;) & mine too because she laughed the entire time.
& her laugh my friends is contagious. haha. ;)
*pictures don't do justice.*
(click photo to enlarge)
after we rode all the rides my coin purse allowed us to,
we then walked into CLAIRES, she wanted to touch everything
& wear all the bracelets, necklaces, & rings.
you girls all know that feeling you use to get when you'd walk into claires. haha.
I had fun with her in there. ;) after that little pit stop.
we went to mrs. fields cookies. YUHHHUMM!
too bad I didn't get one,
even thou it is a MUST for Bonnie & I to go get cookies EVERYTIME we go to the mall.
The whole time we were walking around she kept saying "mommy, we go get cookies"...
I was hoping she'd forget because I had already drooled while watching her eat spaghetti, & didn't want to
drool over cookies. sigh.
BUT we went & she got 6 little Sugar M&M cookies. & I did drool a little more. NO BIG DEAL.
after the cookie pit stop, we headed home.
Bon got to eat 3 cookies out of the 6.
She dropped the other 3 on the ground on the way to the car.
I know. Sad day. & it wasn't because I wanted them. lol.
seriously thou. I don't like M&M cookies.
that's why I got them for her. So I wouldn't be tempted. haha.
We then got to the car & I was exhausted & I know for a fact she was too.
she buckled herself in & was out for the count. No joke.
(click photo to enlarge)
she didn't even finish her cookie.
I wasn't even out of the mall parking lot. sweet baby.
anyhow, I do my usual...plug in my phone & turn on my iPod on shuffle.
& the song "Never Grow Up" by: Taylor swift comes on
& I just begin to cry... while watching my little chicky-poo sleep throu my rear view mirror.
& it wasn't because I was sad, mad...
but because of how blessed I felt & how happy my heart was to have had the chance
to spend that time with my favorite girl. It was seriously the dose of medicine my heart had been longing for, for a long time now.
I hate how busy I have been with school & work & how it's kept me from
being able to experience that feeling.
When I was a stay at home mom I got to experience that on a daily basis.
But people change, things change, & that's ok.
I could honestly say that if I could pick any job in the world,
it would be to be a stay at home mom again.
I'm convinced I will never be that happy again in my life, & I'm okay with that.
Spending every hour with her, capturing her first everythings, pshhh. NOTHING can compare.
just my opinion.
memories last forever. & I have plenty of pictures to help those memories that will last forever.
(click photo to enlarge)
i love her, oh so much.
So to all you stay at home moms, you guys saver every moment,
capture all the things that make your heart go pitter patter.
I did. & that is something that has helped me with not being able to be one anymore.
you guys are beyond blessed. ;)
and that was my lovely day. ;)
hope you enjoyed reading about it, I enjoyed sharing it.
my little chicky is sleepy.
so until next time,
BE BLESSED. BE LOVED. & take pictures of your babies. lots of pictures. ;)
p.s. 7 more days till my birthday.
oh yes, and last but not least. I haven't seen Dustin in like 2 days. I miss him a lot.
he sent this to me right before I started blogging tonight...
oh yes, and last but not least. I haven't seen Dustin in like 2 days. I miss him a lot.
he sent this to me right before I started blogging tonight...
haha. isn't he precious. -_-
goodnight. sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite. ;)
Listen to--> "Never Grown Up" by: Taylor Swift.
Omg Malorie!! This is like my favorite blog ever!! Bonnie is so precious and I am glad you got to spend the day with her...even though she is sick...and she was just still smiling!!! Being a mommy is the best job in the world!!! I love that song by Taylor Swift its the best!!! Hope your little Bonnie gets better have a great weekend!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow girl this blog was just what I're a great momma and bonnie is so lucky to have you. And good for you for enjoying the little things.. So many people don't. It's been weighing on my mind whether I want to get a full time job and you just made me remember how blessed I am, thank you!! Love you girly
ReplyDelete<3 it Mal! I'm so proud of you! You are such an awesome Momma too! Love you much!
ReplyDeleteSo i LOVED this...My absolute FAVORITE! (:
ReplyDeleteI cried while reading...i know im so emotional (no not prego). i cry a lot when i see my daughter, OUT OF PURE HAPPINESS. Sometimes when she sleeps or when she holds out her arms for me to carry her or especially when she smiles!<3
I've been wanting a job for a while now, But im SUPER lucky to be home with my baby all the time & i will enjoy it a billion x more now! Thank you!!
Omg you & Dustin are too cute! lol He's sillyy! Enjoy reading your blogs. im gonna listen to that song!
Thanks for sharing your special day with you sweet Bonnie! :) I just about cried! I miss being a stay at home mom! :/ I am so ready to take a whole day just Jeremiah & I and go have fun!! Love you Malorie!