P.s. I am blogging during a TECH game! This is not an easy task,
So if it seems as thou I am rammblin'... I am. ;)
Every time I hear the word "Faith" I automatically think of this verse...
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we live by faith, not by sight."
so I have been so anxious to blog this…
Sooo, summer of 2007, I attended my first church camp, ever. I was really excited, I heard nothing but good things about it… church was going to be sooo much fun, and we were going to play games, and be split up on teams, have bunk beds, and most importantly, great things were going to happen/take place during night services,
Church camp was talked up to be everything it was and more that summer.
I seriously remember it like it was yesterday. It was in Glorieta, NM. Tim Bach was the speaker, he spoke on being a CONTENDER, he was truly amazing. I got filled with the Holy Spirit at one of the night services. People’s souls were set free. We even had other kids from other churches peeking into our services… One night I over heard a conversation during our praise and worship, A girl from another church kinda stopped and second glanced throu the doors of where our service was being helpd and said to one of the sponsors standing at the door " WOW, must have been a good service" he replied back with "Girl, This is just praise and worship…service hasn’t even started yet"…. Haha, I mean picture it…. A bunch of youth kids, on fire for God and worshiping our little heads off! (shrugs) Ya, that was us….No big deal!
& not trying to brag, but I’m pretty sure summer camp 2007, the team I was on, WON! ;) muahahahaha!
(Oh how I wish I could rewind my life sometimes, and push play and start over from that moment.)
ok so, Not only was I blessed beyond measures the summer of 2007, I met Adam Blake Blanco! Not gunna lie, I totally had a crush on him. ;) Toward the ending days of church camp, he and I exchanged phone numbers and kept in contact after he was back in Dalhart, and I was back in good o’ Plainview.
I came home and talked my Dads ears off about camp and about my new friend Adam Blake from Dalhart, and then... I remember clear as day these words coming from my mouth " Dad, I have a calling in Dalhart…" we both joked about it for a minute and I ended that conversation with "No, but for real Dad, and I’m not sure why, but I have a calling there!" – We never talked about that again, not because we didn’t want to…it just was never brought up again.
Days following me getting home from church camp…. I got a call from Adam that his baby brother, who was 11 months old at the time, went to be with Jesus. I was so devastated, I didn’t know what to say or what to do. Adam at this point in time in his life was barely getting his relationship with the Lord going, so you could only imagine the spin this took on a new believer. My heart hurt for Adam and his family.
I immediately felt the need to be there for Adam. I felt as if I could help him in someway, or maybe guide him, comfort him… I truly felt and feel till this day that the Lord placed me in Adams life/path for a reason.. to help him in his time of need, to be strong for him, encourage him, pray for him, and to bring comfort and life him up.
After gathering at his house with tons of others there to give the family their condolences, then followed the funeral a day or two later that I attended.
Adam and I kept in contact on and off the past 4 years. Mine and Adams friendship is precious to me… times that we didn’t talk for months, the time in between didn’t even matter, we picked up right where we left off.
I love it.
(We are dorks!)
So about a month ago, I got back in contact with Adam Blake, it had been awhile. I called Adam, totally forgetting he lived in Lubbock......We met up at a little coffee shop after I got off work one day, it was a Wednesday…. We talked for 3 hours straight, just catching up on life…. He opened my eyes to a lot of things about myself that I had forgotten… (mind you, this took place toward the end of my relationship I talked about in my last blog… during the time that I was feeling worthless, etc.) He really did help me…I was in desperate need of a friend and he was there for me. After all, that is what friends are for. Thanks Adam. ;)
The weekend following our 3 hour long conversation, I went to spend the weekend in Dalhart, I got a long weekend with Adam and his family. Bonnie and I chilled all weekend long with the Blancos and we had lots of fun, we went to the pumpkin patch, got to attend an awesome church (as mentioned in my last blog)
Then came a new week. Back to reality. I got home and was so anxious for the Women’s retreat that up coming weekend. One night I was talking to Adam on the phone and I told him that I really felt the need to move to Dalhart, I didn’t know what it was….it was just something was so different, the way I felt, the town, I knew NO one, and I felt like I was home…was really weird, any ways…these we’re Adams exact words "Well that is probably the stupidest things I’ve ever heard you say", (not gunna lie, hurt my feelings..a little), but I was so serious.
So for about the next 2 weeks following that conversation, I went to bed with Dalhart on my mind, I woke up with Dalhart on my mind, I went to Dalhart every weekend to see the Blancos and to go to church, I prayed and prayed and prayed that the Lord take me, move me, where ever he wants me to go…I’ll go.
It was confirmed by many, people I knew, people I didn’t know….
That it WASN’T "the stupidest thing that had ever came out of my mouth"……
(this was kinda the icing on the cake for me) After church one Sunday, Adams mom, his dad, and I were in the kitchen talking and out of no where Adams dad asked me " Malorie, have you ever thought of moving to Dalhart…." at this time Adam was walking into the kitchen, I looked at him (like OMGosh!!) and then looked back at his dad and said "Yes, Why do you ask?" (at first I thought Adam had told his mom and dad what I had said and that they were just trying to be funny….NEGATIVE.)
His reply to me was "I don’t know, I just feel that you need to be here. There is just something… I don’t know."
So you can only imagine how much heavier my heart felt toward moving to Dalhart, it was on my mind even MORE than before…
I just began to pray, all day everyday, when I had down time at work I prayed about it, driving to and from work, I prayed about it…. Then I had sudden doubts come upon me, and I was second guessing myself…. What if God isn’t telling me to move? & Why Dalhart of all places?? What am I going to do about a job? I can’t move up there without having any money saved up!??
safe to say...I was a mess.
Not only was I contemplating all of the stuff above, along with finances… I got in my car that Monday morning (October 31st) heading to work, and this stupid light in my car came on, I was literally driving and reading my owners manual trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with my car, it said something similar to this (drive slow. Go to nearest volkswagon dealership.) PROBLEM. I was driving to Lubbock, I have to be at work at 8. Good thing I needed and oil change and headlight or I would have put this off for another day. I go take my car….. they change my oil and get my headlight all fixed up and the lady say…Oh and it states here that you should look into getting 2 new front tires, the ones you have are kinda worn (my first thought, was YA, right on top of that….psh didn’t she know I was trying to MOVE. Lol.) THEnn I ask what the light indicated, and she says blah blah blah blah blah $888.71??? (uhhhh do what??) "Ya, your car needs an evap canister and that is going to be $888.71" COOL!?? YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

At the time, I was like Okay Lord….how on earth am I suppose to move to Dalhart with all this stuff happening to my car, I literally was on the verge of calling the bank and telling them to REPO my car. No lie. I was so angry. Frustration took a toll!
Then I got a little tap on the shoulder from the Lord….
"Psst….(clearing of the throat took place and all)
- I am your God, and I will supply all of your needs."
ME: (big gulp) "Yes sir, you will. AMEN"
From Monday (the 31st) and on, I quoted that to myself every time I got into my car and that little warning light illuminated & Every time that it would light up I’d say
"Thank you Lord for taking care of that"
(I am not kidding, I seriously did this every time, and when I said it, I truly meant it, and I knew in my heart it would be taken care of, I had peace about it, I was no longer worried about that almost nine hundred dollar part that was needed. It was no big deal. The Lord has my back. ;))
(Oh annd let me just throw in… I found out a week before I knew about this little/BIG price for my car was needed, I found out that I was a car payment behind. UGhhhhhh REALLY?!
Ya, it was a no good, very bad situation!)
So I got a second job… then I had doubt about getting the job. I thought to myself "what if this is me not trusting the Lord…what if this is turning my cheek to him and trying to do things on my own", I began to pray "Ok Lord, I need you, I really really need you, I am giving this all to you, I know I can NOT do it on my own, I will no longer have days filled with worry, instead I will pray about everything, good and bad that is!"
I kid you not, Tuesday Morning. November 8th, City Bank, the bank that my car is financed throu… called me,
I answered and my loan officer was at the other end of the line and says to me
"Just wanted to call and let you know that I was finally able to get your loan refinanced, Your other note was completely paid for, sooo your first payment on this new note won’t be due till the end of December, an I’ll just need you to come in and sign the papers",
(mind you, I had tried 7 months ago to refinance my car and it just wasn’t happening,
I had to have a co-signer, I was still in school, etc. etc.!)
I could not even reply back, I was speechless.
(me speechless, I know!)
I was at work at this time, and the girls I work with, know about all of this stuff with my car, I hang up and I literally ran to the front office so that I could tell them what just happen! Sheila Watson, (the most amazing, crafty, brilliant, organized person I've come across in my life) told me that I should call my loan officer back and just mention the part needed for my car, so I did just that, to my surprise I got the reply...
"Oh no biggy, we can just make you a check out for that amount and just add that amount to your note if you want"
(my jaw dropped. I had tears in my eyes and my heart was so full!)
Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it all over again….
I know that faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.) ...you've heard, well read it... but I just wanted to show you the proof that I can, other than my words....
(click photo to enlarge)
Y'all, God is so good!!!
You just gotta have FAITH!
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)
"and my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:19
Give all your worries to God, and in exchange…pick up some rest!
......hold on to that feeeeliiinnnn!!!!
Listen to --> "You are for me" by Kari JObe
I know I've shared this song in one of my blogs before.... but it just goes so perfect with this blog.
But during the time that all this stuff was taken place, I began to feel broken, confused with all the worldly things, (ex. doubt, finances etc. ) and for a second I let it get the best of me,
I had forgotten that the Lord is for me, and WILL always be for me, and he will never forsake me in my weakness....
CLEARLY, I mean...this all taken place has just opened my eyes to sooo much and made my love for the Lord grow more and more everyday. My hope is that this blog touch your life in some way, the Lord knows what you are going throu, Call out to him, He hears you, He knows your every move, and he loves for you to sing to him, Know that he is for you.
I know that he is for me, & will forever be, FOR YOU and I!
Lord I pray that I will never forget that you are for me, Lord I pray that I will see things the way you do, Lord that I will not lean on my own understandings but KNOW that you Love me, and you know everything that I am going throu. How can I stop from worshiping you, How can I quit...after all the things you do, I will lay down in your hands as clay, I've got to have you form me. I WILL seek your face! amen. -malorie lucille.
(Lyrics to the song ^)
ow that You have come down
Even if to ride upon my heart
To remind me who You are
So patient
So gracious
So merciful and true
So wonderful in all You do
You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
And You love for me to sing to You
And Lord, I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weakness
And I know that You have come down
Even if to ride upon my heart
To remind me
I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weakness
And I know that You have come down
Even if to ride upon my heart
To remind me who You are
You remind me
I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weakness
And I know that You have come down
Even if to ride upon my heart
To remind me who You are.
Be blessed. Be loved.
have a fabulous weekend!
and just for a bonus.... watch this.