Wednesday, August 13, 2014

baby bird #2 (week 32)

How far along: 32 weeks

50 days to go!

Total weight gain/inches: I actually can't wait to know what my gains are next Tuesday.
I have just eaten, and slept (on repeat)

Maternity Clothes: tops, and Bella bands, and finally... Maternity Pants. :)

Stretch Marks: Not yet!

Sleep: Still sleeping beautifully! Thank you Young Living Essential Oils.
However, I have my nights and days messed up again, but I do sleep!

Best moment this week: When sitting at the computer editing sessions, I can very much so see my belly move when bb is moving, without even having to look down. That drastic.  

Miss anything: being able to breathe normal. I am still always out of breath, and hot. Steven use to freeze me out... now, the tables have turned!  

Movement: So much movement!!

Food Cravings: Anything you'd eat for breakfast, pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, tortillas, cereal, cinnamon rolls, and still just anything sweet!

Anything make you queasy or sick: Nothing this week. 

Labor signs: none,

Symptoms: Lower Back Ache. Sleep... a lot. Braxton Hicks Contractions, which is very new for me... I didn't ever experience them with Bonnie Kayte, or maybe I did, but they did not take a toll on me like this go round.

Belly button IN or OUT: Definitely OUT.

Wedding rings ON/OFF: ON

Happy or Moody: Happy...ehh Both :)

Looking forward to: My doctors appointment next Tuesday.


love, mommy <3 p="">

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