Thursday, May 5, 2011

I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy....

down in my HEART!

ok, besides being overly joyed ;) I totally failed at the whole "30 day blog" thing!! so sorry!
However, I finish my last 4 hours @ my extern site tomorrow, & then I get to "grad out" & order my cap & gown && then I take my RDA test, & then you can add RDA at the end of my name, & then I graduate next Friday, May 13th!! (did you feel the excitement while reading that?)
Oh yes & I am getting hired at the place I completed my 160 hours!
Dr. Lindseys Orthodontics. ;)

Besides attending Boot Camp on Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays, & watching Teen Mom2 which is no longer showing & is now 16&Pregnant on Tuesdays, & American Idol on Wednesdays & Thursdays..... in the paragraph above, is what my life has consist of. Oh & of Bonnie, & Dustin............and painting.
BUT thats beside the point.........

now, all that to say this.....
I have NOT had a job these past couple months, I have been without my daughter being home for going on 2 months (& that has honest to God been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire life, not having my mom in my life for most of my life can’t even compare.).... BUT my life, my entire being, my overall emotional state as a person has been remarkably the BEST it ever has. Obviously NOT because I didn’t have a job, or my daughter hasn’t been home with me BUT because I have such amazing, wonderful people in my life…that on a daily basis, surround my life & help me throu those “I don’t know what I’m going to do” nights/days or the “I miss Bonnie so much” nights that I cry myself to sleep BUT most of all… I have a God who has NEVER left my side, I know that there are people worse off than me….& I catch myself day after day saying “wow, he cares enough about me & my feelings to take time & to deal with what is going on in MY life & he listens” & he has shown himself time after time. I stand in awe, is all I can say.

I mean seriously….I haven’t worked since April, & I can count 3 times that I have gotten unexpected “where did this come from” checks in the mail that have helped me fill my car up, pay bills that need to be paid, eat, etc. ..… do you get my vibe?

God knows what you are going throu & all the wants is for you to call out to him…
The bible says in Luke 11:9, NIV, "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”

I mean this is just ONE of the MANY things the Lord has opened my eyes to these past months.

& tonight I got to experience an even more surreal blessing. I have this beautiful friend, whose life took a huge…HUGE spin about 6 months ago & left her with confusion, upon about a million other things, thoughts & feelings. I many times had lunch/dinner with her & every time we would meet up, It was almost as if I didn’t even know this girl. It was so weird. & many nights I would pray for my dear friend, for God to just show her his unfailing love, for him to take the things that made no sense at all & seemed so broken at the time & turn them into something beautiful….. I longed for my friend to grasp that we may not understand but God knows. & tonight I had dinner with Ms.Ellen Hart & I am here to say…God has shown her & has helped her & has opened her eyes to “something beautiful”....... LIFE itself.

Her Bitterness… what bitterness?
Feeling Hopeless…not her!
Having Faith.fa sho!
Peace that surpasses all understanding….Why yes, thank you! ;)

These are just a few of the things I got from talking to her tonight that she no longer lacks!
I love to know that my prayers along with many other peoples prayers are answered!! ;)
Yes, things may pop up, & struggles may come up on us BUT he is here & always will be. No doubt!

Life is good!
So needless to say.......

For the people/person who said I would Never amount to anything thing in life-
(shrugs) I'll pray for you.

For any hateful, discouraging words thrown my way-
(double shrugs) I'll pray for you.

For anything done intentionally to hurt me or someone that I love-
I'll pray for you. ;)

When times are bad-pray, When times are good-pray.
Prayer works.

i'm a happy girl, "i'm singing...." ;)



I love all of my girl friends so much!!
If you ever need me, Im here!!
-malorie lucille

I almost forgot to mention, I read this book called "Tradgedy & Trust" amazing book!

Listen to--> "I'm singing" by Kari Jobe