Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day: 20

Day: 20
"What is something your super excited about?"
-I am super excited for the TTU vs. MIZZOU game.
why? because...plainviews finest MICHAEL EGNEW will be playing and I get a hug. ;) eeeek!

thanks for your comment on my last blog Michael "I think i kinda like your blog! lol"
-haha. it made me smile that you even read my blog. ;) thanks

I took this picture of Michael in High School.

.......He's come a loooonnng way.

beast mode. ;)


"What is something your super excited about?"
_____________please share with me._____________


p.s. i have to study for a test.....poop. goodnight.

listen to --> "Look at me" by: Carrie Underwood.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Days: 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

Typing the title of this, made me laugh a lot. I am a huge blog slacker. and it shows. sigh.

here we go.

Day: 12 (LAST Tuesday)
"What is a saying that is catchy and has stuck?
-haha. ok I have several. but the ones that stick out the most are. "Oh come on" anD of course "Dannng Girl"


Day: 13 (Wednesday)
"When you you hear the word "warm"....what is the first thing that comes to mind?"
-this is easy. MY SNUGGIE. duh.
haha. this picture tickled me.
My snuggie does NOT look like this but I would so rock this on my couch. just sayin.

Day:14 (Thursday)
"Something new you have learned?"
 -Hmmm the thing that sticks out to me most...would have to be the love of a child.
there is this line from a song "How I'd give anything to feel love from a childs heart again"
Bonnie Kayte is just amazing to me. and her love in never ending for her mommy. and I have learned that NOTHING....AT ALL, will EVER be able to come between us and/or take that away. ;) and that makes me happy.
(click link below to view picture)
Mommy/Baby Love

Day: 15 (Friday)
"What is something that gets to you?"
-Rude people get to me. You do not have to be mean. its lame and makes you lame. the end.
(click to view picture)

Day: 16 (Saturday)
"Best Stress Reliever?"
-Driving with no destination listening to my iPod on Shuffle. its love. ;)
(click link below to view picture)
Fancy...take me away.

Day:17 (Sunday)
"Who is the newest person in your life that has a very special place in your heart?"
-currently. this person is Ellen Hart. ;) She is an amazing friend. I love m.e. time. (malorie.ellen (m.e.))
thank you for being such a good friend.
(click link below to view picture)

Day: 18 (Monday)
"What's something OR someone who gets you...No matter what?"
-this is easy. MUSIC. duh.
(click link below to view picture)
this is true.

Day: 19 (Tuesday) TODAY.
"What is something you have recently prayed about that God has answered?"
-Recently, I had been praying about a specific person who was in my life. I definitely believe that God places people in your life for "seasons"...but anyhow. I felt at the time that this person wasn't exactly helping me as a person or in my walk with God and I just asked God to open my eyes and heart and show me his will for me and my life and if this person needed to be in it or not. The specific person was actually removed from my life....and I'm ok with that. I am very thankful that I do not have to lean on my own understandings & that I have a Savior who has a love for me that is an unfailing love. amen.
(click link below to view picture)
blessed beyond measure.


Please share with me as much as you can. I'd love to know all these things I've answered for you guys vis-versa.

P.s. I promise to be better about blogging. till next time. I love you all. ;) malorie lucille.

Listen to --> "My Kind of Women" by: Craig Morgan

Monday, October 11, 2010

Days: 8,9,10,11

Wow....Can you say BIGGG slacker!!
I'm very sorry! My weekends are just to eventful for me to BLOG!!
But here we go.....

Day: 8- Friday
"Who is your favorite person today?"
On Friday my favorite person was.......
(my baby girl...miss Bonnie Kayte)

Day: 9 Saturday
"What made you laugh today?"
On Saturday the thing that sticks out to me MOST that made me laugh....
would have to be,

Great movie.
I laughed and cried.
I think I did them both at the same time several times during this movie!!

Day 10: Sunday
"What was something you realized today?"

Sunday I realized....
That I have been throu a lot these past months....
throu it all I have LEARNED so much and I have found me again.
annnnd I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior again...
and for once in my life...I have finally realized that, that is ALL I need....
realizing that was probably the happiest, most heart warming, peace overflowing, loving, feeling I have EVER felt in my life 
and I'm ok with that. ;)

(now thats ^ what I'm talking about!)

Day: 11
"What is something you are THankFul for today?"
Today I am thankful for answered prayers. ;)
God is Good, All the time. All the time, God is Good!

Luke 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

i love all of you...
now answer these question. ;)

"Who is your favorite person today?"
"What made you laugh today?"
"What was something you realized today?

                                            "What is something you are THankFul for today?"

p.s. I love to laugh. OUT LOUD. seriously.

Listen to --> Something Beautiful by: needtobreathe

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day: 7

Hello prettys ;)
Todays Blog is "What made you smile today?"
Wow. I can NOT think of just one thing....I have several.

I'll name my top 7.

1. Waking up to my snuggle bug this morning...Bonnie Kayte
2. Playing a Review game (for our final) today in Class. Soooo much fun
3. Having Lunch at Rosas with too very special people. Ellen and LauRie. ;)
4. Watching Bonnie Kayte at gymnastics (adorable)
5. Eating/Talking/Catching up with my main chick. Megan Chapa. ;)
6. Playing Sand Volleyball with lots of fun people. ;)
7. last but not comfy bed.

What made you smile today??
Be Blessed. Be Loved.

p.s. I get to spend the weekend with my favorite girl. (Bonnie Kayte) yay!!!

Listen to---> "Wild Horses" by: Natasha Bedingfield

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day: 6

So today has been a really good day for me....
not saying every other day has been bad at all,.... but just for some reason today was just a tad better. ;)
todays blog is "What makes your heart happy?"
There are really SooOOOoo many things that make my heart happy...sprinkled donuts, strawberries, cereal. Notice that everything that was mentioned was food. haha.
BUT because I'm blogging about today...
I would have to say that the thing that made my heart happy today would have to be........

Kids Worshiping the Lord. Hands lifted and all.
I went to church tonight with a precious friend of mine and
I am was very glad I went.
It was truely amazing seeing such young people crying out to God.
Like I seriously believe my heart was smiling the whole time. Just saying. ;)
Raise up sons and daughters that will be come a nation. :) my job...and your job.
 (by the way I did not take this picture.)

What made your heart happy today?


P.s. Hey yall Jesus....he came all the way to texas. from heaven. he walked with me. and talked with me. all night Long. ;) he is amazing.

 love always, Malorie Lucille

Listen to---> "If we are the body" by: Casting Crowns

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day: 5

Hi. ;)
Ok so todays blog is
"What's your favorite song TODAY?"
I know I already did a "Whats your favorite song" by not TODAY..haha
Honestly this shouldn't even be a question asked to anyone bc MUSIC is LOVE annnnd I LOVE MUSIC.
My iPod, Pinky (yes I name my iPod) goes EVERYWHERE with me and I love all the music she holds for me BUT however if I had to pick my "favorite" song right now it would most definitely be.....
DrUm RoLL PLeaSe

"ALL THE WAY TO TEXAS" by: Coffey Anderson
I hope this song Blessed you, as much as it does me everytime I hear it.
I love it.
and the words are so precious to me and that makes me happy. ;)
"What's your favorite song TODAY?"


p.s. I love my friends. They are simply the best. ALL of them. ;)

Listen to---> "At the cross" by: Hillsong 
(my all time favorite worship song. enjoy)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day: 3 & 4


Ok so I had a pretty amazing weekend and kinda skipped out on doing "Day:3" blog. sowwwy.
So Day: 3 is "What is your favorite Television Program?"

as of now my FAVORITE TV program is.....

love love love this tv show.....
BUT my all time favorite Tv Progam is most definitely

REBA! ahhhhhh love this show.

What is your favorite TV show program?

Day: 4

What is your favorite book??

This one is eeasssyyyy.....

amazing book! if you haven't read it.
I highly recommend it! ;)

What is your favorite book??
Until tomorrow...

P.S. Umm am I the only one who thinks todays date is funny 10-4?
get it?? Like when cops are talking to each other they say TEN FOUR (AKA ok, over,etc). hahaha
ok...maybe I was the only one who thought of that today! ;)

Oh yes and another thing... if your trying to figure out how to leave a comment and can't hopefully this helps.
Below the comment box here on my blog it says "Comment as:" and it has a little tab that you can click on and it drops down. Click it and select "Anonymous" and it will let you post a comment. Just put your name at the end of every comment so thata way I know who left the comment. Hope this helped! love yall~

love always, Malorie.

Listen to ---> "At the foot of the Cross" by: Kathryn Scott

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day: 2

Hello Hello. ;)
Today Blog is Day:2 Your Favorite Movie

Hmmmm this is tough.... BUT despicable me most def. is on the top of my list.

Favorite Part of the movie.........

It's Soooo FLUFFFFYYYYYYYY!!!!! ;)

and if your haven't seen the movie here it is or this particular part of the movie...Check it OUT!

until tomorrow.
p.s. don't forget about 10 New Things I love SUnday ;)

Ohhh Ya. And What is your favorite movie right now??

love always, Malorie Lucille

listen to-----> "You are all I'm after" by: Coffey Anderson

Day: 1

Wow. I've really missed BLOGGING.
So glad to be able to blog again..... I will share more with yall later about why I stopped and such. But this month starting today. October 1st.. I am doing something a little different. I have a NEW topic everyday, you'll get this picture as my blogs go on. You'll learn more about me and hopefully I'll learn more about yall.

Day 1: Your Favorite Song?

My favorite song right would have to be.......Drum RoLL please......

Come To Your Senses by: Coffey Anderson

Check it out....

this song just really really speaks to me in SOoooOOO many ways. Most def. and eye opener.
Jesus is coming y'all. Real soon. Song says it all. "Come to your senses" <<---I couldn't have said it better myself.

What's your favorite song right now?? (leave it in a comment)


love always,
Malorie ;)

listen to: "Come to your senses" by: Coffey Anderson