Tuesday, January 25, 2011

100 Awesome Things

Hey there!
-ok so I am going to share with you 100 things that are awesome to me! =)
Here it goes... ( and the are not in any specific order)
1.) Sleeping with one leg under the covers & one leg out. Awesome.

2.) A long hug when you really need it! Awesome.

3.) When the person scratching your back finds that one really itchy spot. Awesome.

4.) Wordless apologies. Ya, you know the whole head shake & hug. Awesome.

5.) Reuniting a sock from the sock orphanage drawer with its freshly washed, once lost brother or sister. Awesome.

6.) Vacuuming a dirty carpet & hearing the all the tiny rocks going through the hose. Awesome

7.) Fixing your wedgie when no one's looking. Awesome.

8.) When you drive from a rough road onto a smooth one. Awesome.

9.) When someone compliments your new haircut. Awesome.

10.) When the phone rings and it's someone your thinking about. Awesome.

11.) Yelling/shooing a fly outside and it listening to you and you didn't have to kill it. Awesome.

12.) When batteries ARE included. Awesome.

13.) Picking all the dried glue off the lid. Awesome.

14.) The sound of steaks hitting a hot grill. Awesome.

15.) Rocking out on air instruments. Awesome.

16.) Having the hiccups. Awesome. (but I never get them. tear)

17.) When it feels like lyrics to the song you're listening to were written just for you. Awesome.

18.) Riding home with a box of pizza on your lap. Awesome.

19.) Trying to understand what your friends saying when you're underwater. Awesome.

20.) Walking on grass with bare feet. Awesome.

21.) When the DJ plays your request. Awesome

22.) Secretly sniffing your armpits and realizing you don't sink. Awesome.

23.) When your windshield wipers match the beat of the song you're listening to. Awesome.

24.) Taking your ponytail out at the end of a long day. Awesome.

25.) Drawing on steamy mirrors with your fingers. Awesome.

26.) Looking at the clock and seeing it's 12:34. Awesome.

27.) Nudging the shower faucet a little bit hotter, then a little bit hotter. Awesome.

28.) When a little baby gives you a hug before it leaves. Awesome.

29.) Sharing your stories with your friends. Awesome.

30.) Unforgettable friends. Awesome.

31.) Moving forward & moving on. Awesome.

32.) When the person you're meeting is even later than you are. Awesome.

33.) Dropping your cellphone on the sidewalk and then realizing it's totally fine. Awesome.

34.) Hanging out with Bonnie Kayte all day. Awesome.

35.) The moment on vacation when you forget what day of the week it is. Awesome.

36.) Napping with someone else. Awesome.

37.) When a baby falls asleep on you. Awesome.

38.) Dancing when your home alone. Awesome.

39.) When dreams come true. Awesome.

40.) The night before a really big day. Awesome.

41.) When your pet notices you're in a bad mood comes to see you. Awesome.

42.) Finally peeing after holding it forever. Awesome.

43.) Listening to couples tell you how they met. Awesome.

44.) Catching food in your mouth. Awesome.

45.) Wearing your favorite pair of underwear and nobody knows. Awesome.

46.) Laughing so hard you start crying. Awesome.

47.) When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for. Awesome.

48.) Junk drawers. Awesome.

49.) The separate compartment in your stomach for dessert. Awesome.

50.) When you went to the gym....yesterday. Awesome.

51.) Staying in your pajamas all day. Awesome.

52.) When you fold a piece of paper so it fits in the envelope perfectly. Awesome.

53.) Getting to McDonald's right before the switch from breakfast to lunch. Awesome.

54.) When someones leaving the bathroom at the same time as you and you don't have to touch the door. Awesome.

55.) When someone pronounces your name right on the first try. Awesome.

56.) Coming home to the smell of a clean house. Ahhhsome!

57.) Kids who dress themselves. Awesome.

58.) Edible dishes. (ice cream waffle bowl). Awesome.

59.) The air just before a thunderstorm. Awesome.

60.) Trying on your new clothes again as soon as you get home from the store. Awesome.

61.) Driving home from a long trip and getting all your radio stations back. Awesome.

62.) When your not the new guy anymore. Awesome.

63.) The sound of water lapping against a dock. Awesome.

64.) Carrying the ice cube tray you just filled up all the way back to the freezer without spilling. Awesome.

65.) Correctly guessing if the door is PUSH or PULL. Awesome.

66.) Scratching your back on some random thing. Awesome.

67.) When your merging into traffic and there's no traffic to merge into. Awesome.

68.) Seeing your reflection in a store front window and liking what you see. Awesome.

69.) Baby Toes. Awesome.

70.) Being next after waiting forever in a long time. Awesome.

71.) Pizza Soul mates. (when you and your favorite person of the opposite sex, can agree on pizza with out question). AWESOME.

72.) Correctly guessing an old password you haven't use in awhile. Awesome.

73.) Figuring out how we got on this topic. Awesome.

74.) Pulling a weed and getting all the roots with it. Awesome.

75.) When your plugged up nostril just suddenly opens with no warning. Awesome.

76.) Looking up while underwater. Awesome.

77.) Staying up so late that everything becomes funny. Awesome.

78.) Fake accents made up between you and your close friends. Awesome.

79.) Somehow waking up at the right time even though you forgot to set your alarm clock. Awesome.

80.) Picking things up with your toes. Awesome.

81.) Getting all sweaty and jumping into a swimming pool. Awesome.

82.) Digging a hole in your mashed potatoes and filling it with gravy. Awesome.

83.) The child hood super jump. (you know, you count to 3, the swing them by their arms.). Awesome.

84.) When you get in the car and notice someone filled up the tank. Awesome.

85.) Seeing a dog that looks like a dog you know. Awesome.

86.) Finally getting the perfect picture captured. Awesome.

87.) Finishing your last exam. ever. (ohhh how I long for theeeee!). Awesome.

88.) Hearing a song that reminds you of someone you love. Awesome.

89.) Having a day off. Awesome.

90.) When your shoes are tight enough to stay on your foot but loose enough to slide on and off without untying them. Awesome.

91.) Do nothing days. Awesome.

92.) When someone saves you a seat. Awesome.

93.) Driving around with the windows down on late summer nights. Awesome.

94.) When a zit growing on your forehead suddenly just disappears. Awesome.

95.) Seeing way worse weather on TV somewhere else. Awesome. 

96.) Fully justifying whatever terrible thing you're eating. Awesome.

97.) Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher. Awesome.

98.) Hitting the snooze button. Awesome.

99.) The last couple hours before the weekend. Awesome.

100.) Wrong colored food. (rainbow cupcakes. yes please.). Awesome.
hope you enjoyed those!! ;)

p.s. i need a hug. k. thanks.

Listen to--> "Beautiful" by: Kari Jobe

Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 New Things I Love Sunday



2.  ommm nom nom nom!!!

3. Shreks babies. aren't they sooo cute?!

4. Hearing Bonnie sing "How he loves us" (precious)

5. Bonnie Kaytes love for her iTouch. (she didn't let it out of her sight once today)

6. allsups burritos- need I say more. 

7. my girlies. ;) 

8. Bonnie & Dustin! ;)

9. waking up to the smell of Cinnamon Roll!

10. Letting Bonnie pour her own chocolate milk. haha.

I had a video blog for friday and saturday that I have been trying to upload but it is taken forever!!
When I get it posted or uploaded, I will let yall know. Sorry this is a day late!! 
Have a great week!

p.s. my birthday was amazing!! & i have the best girl friends ever!!

listen to--> "How He Loves Us" there are so many different versions of this song. but my favorite is of course sung by the gorgeous KARI JOBE, but "Me in Motion" "David Crowder Band" "Kim Walker" are some others who sings this song also! enjoy. I love this song. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


ok. short & sweet blog tonight.
today. i dropped my iPhone an the screen went completely white, with little random black lines throu it,
ya, i know. I cried. like 3 times. then Jessica Hatch, my amazing friend told me about a place called Double T, took it there, and like magic 2 hours after I dropped my phone off, the guy fixed it. & I squealed...like 4 times when I held it in my hand & could see the screen again.
- came home. did ZUMBA with my sister. and it kicked our butt. literally.
- Then I came to Olton to see my favorite guy. & he made me some yummy dinner!! ;)
Did I take pictures?? of course I did. I will have to share another time thou...
because, I have homework...and can't blog very long tonight. boo.
(oh yes & we watched American Idol.)

it's friggen cold outside right now, & i will be sad, & there is a 50% chance I might cry if I wake up & see snow. just sayin.

It's my Birthday in like a couple minutes && i'll be 21!!!!!

good night to all. ;)) (<-- double chinned smile. happy much.)

P.S. I can't wait to see Bonnie on Friday! I'm gunna hug her & squeeze & love her & kiss her....
i miss her. a lot.

4 minutes till my birthday!!! No big deal.<3

Listen to--> "Happy Birthday" by: (you sing the song to me) muahahahaha!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 Things you should do daily.

hi there.

I hope you all enjoyed my blog last night. ;) I enjoyed blogging it. BUT here is the deal. It took me an hour to post 63 blog links on 63 different peoples facebook pages. SOOoooOOO I came up with this marvelous idea to create a GROUP on facebook and just make each of my blog readers a memeber in the group, and after I blogged every night, I'd post the link to the GROUP page and it would automatically notify yall. && that made me smile. Real BIG. and made my heart flutter.....10 times. YAY for 63 readers...actually 64 now, and YAY for facebook GROUPS. -_-  

Now for
 "10 things you should do daily"

1. Wake up Early: This gets the day off to a great start. 

2. Brush your teeth: & do it rightttt!! brush yo grill for more than 1 minute, & don't forget your tongue! =P

3. Sweat Everyday: exercise. The body is not you, but is the vehicle through which you live and worship, so treat it like a temple and take care of it.

4. Laugh: Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

5. Do at Least One Good Deed: Everyday do something good for someone else.  Do something thoughtful, kind, generous.  Greed, aggression, competitiveness, arrogance, ambition are so widespread, take a moment and contribute to the energy of thoughtfulness, generosity, compassion, humility and giving.  Do it without focusing on the reward. 

6. Get Some Entertainment: You need to relax and enjoy yourself daily as well.  You will find that when you don’t endless pursue the pleasure principle all day, the time when you do indulge, is so much more fun and enjoyable.  You will really be able to laugh and be happy.  You will be full of joy and humor.

7. Do Something Difficult:  Everyday you should take on the challenge of doing something which is outside your comfort zone.  It is easy to live in a cocoon, with a do not disturb sign on the door, but then chances are you are not growing and are instead falling into a pattern of reactive living.  So have courage and take on the challenge of doing those things which you know deep inside you need to do, but have been able to cleverly avoid.  It does not have to be running a  day marathon, it could be as simple as making a difficult phone call, to turning off the TV, to eating healthy. 

8. Complete Your Daily Affairs: Don’t procrastinate, don’t delay, don’t put off what needs to done.

9. Smile:  If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours.

10. Have some humor:  There are very few experiences in life that can grab your attention instantly, and make you feel so good as something you deem to be funny. Humor is a must.

(try & put these 10 things into play tomorrow. as will I) ;)

hope you all had a great day!!
I did.
I am just extremely sleepy.


p.s. i am really missing Bonnie Kayte tonight. Can't wait to see her Friday!
ohhh yes... & only 2 more days till my birthday!!!! ;)

Listen to --> "You are for me" by: Kari Jobe

I seriously listened to this song on repeat the whole way to Lubbock this morning and just took in every word sang. I love her. I follow Kari Jobe on twitter, she most definitely inspires me, not only throu her adorable tweets but throu song. She is amazing. I hope this song blesses you as much as it does me, every time I hear it.  

Monday, January 17, 2011


hello my prettys.


ok so a couple of days ago I made a facebook status asking what I should blog about & one of them was, "Break ups...and how to get over them ASAP! And with as little alcohol as possible."
haha. haven't we all had those break-ups, separations, divorces, etc.
So here is the deal....
I'm going to blog not really sure if it's really nailing the topic on the head BUT I think it might be encouraging and may help you find who you are & who you should be.
Or atleast thats what I am aiming for.

here it goes...
so I'm pretty sure we've all been in relationships, & we've had the gawd awful break ups.
 you know the ones where the guys just leave you just because, & use the whole "it's not you, it's me" line from That 70's show. Or you have the ones who promise to be faithful till the end & a week, month, or year from the time they told you that, you find out they cheated, with your bff, or an ex, or just a random girl. Or... these however are my favorites, the guy who tells you that your a princess & treats you like crap. I mean c'mon now. Do not tell a girl she is a princess & forget the royalty part that goes along with being a princess. HELLO?!! 
Basically what I am trying to get at is BREAK UPS suck. Bad. Real Bad. 
We all eventually get over it, I mean, it's life & it happens. BUT its hurts so bad.
Guys are poop. the end.


Let's face it. We are girls, and we don't know how to give a kiss without giving a piece of our heart, and anything we do after that...we're just going to give more of our heart. True story. right?

sooooo that being said...I thought to myself, & about the friends I have been there for & heard the stories of break ups of all kinds & about the guys that hurt them & about the guys that should be punched in the face... twice. haha. ok but seriously...I thought about all these things & have been in that very state before & it's awful. Believe me, I know. but here is the deal. Us girls tend to throw a pity party for ourselves when something like a break up comes a long in our life.... Guilty of it? Sure I am.
 "no body understands me", "I'll never find the "one"", "When am I going to find my prince charming", "When am I going to be happy"....sound familiar?

& while I thought about those very things. I was like. Okkkayy, surely there has to be a guy out there for us girls that think all this negative stupid stuff.
& y'all there is! No lie. He's amazing.

This man allows us with his love to do things we never thought we could do, he will take your broken mess & make you something great. "bloody awesome" right?

Do you get my vibe? 
(Paul Walker. No, I wish.)
it however is someone so much better.

Live your life for one man & one man only.
If you know who you are in Christ it is so easy to avoid ever being in a mess like a bad break up, or just any obstacle in general. When Christ is apart of your life you long to be pure & have pure relationships & you just long to be of him & NOT of this world.. because you will want to please him, you will know him on a personal level, and you will experience his love, his forgiveness, and you will experience how beautiful he makes you feel about yourself & there is NO other man on earth that will ever love you like that.

A very wise & inspiring lady once said to me "Even though I have an incredible husband, and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world....nobody will ever love me like Jesus" and that my friends is so true.

We. Us Girls. deserve all the beautiful things in life & in a relationship.
But our #1 relationship has to be with Jesus. & then comes LOVE, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.
(kidding. but seriously) 
God wants the very best for us, his daughters. 
Just like your earthly father doesn't want you dating or marrying a dirty birdie that doesn't treat you right,  and/or has his life & other things all jacked up & should be on the MAURY show, 
neither does our heavenly father. 

I love each & every one of my friends. You are all so precious to me. & deserve nothing but the best.
& one day...you & I will both have our happy lives with our "prince charming" & we will live our "happily ever afters" but FIRST we must live our lives for Christ & only Christ & find our God created identity in & throu him.
So we make a pack. No MORE leaning on the "love", words, gushy feelings, & No MORE listening to the hateful things, or being left by a guy who knows nothing & has NOTHING to offer.

the bible says: " She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far ABOVE RUBIES or pearls."
Proverbs 31:10

I have pearls hanging from my rear view mirror & I remember this verse every time I get into my car & see them. ;) 

I found this & thought it was really neat.

(A love letter from God to his Daughters)
My precious daughter, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will be faithful until the end, You are more than just "my daughter", You are my princess, My beloved, my delight, I rejoice in you, You are beautiful, You shine with light, You have dove's eyes, I rejoice in you with singing, I will quiet you with my love, Hold you in my arms, Never let you go, For you are never alone, You never have been alone, I've been with you all along, Your whole life, I understand your pain, My sacrifice wasn't for nothing, Let me tell you I understand your confusion, I understand your anger and frustration, I understand your tears, And I care, Very much, For you, Everything that is important to you, Is important to me too, My love for you will never end, I will not leave you for another, I will not abandon you ever, No matter how far you go, My love will never end. I have examined your heart, I know everything about you, When you sit down or stand up, I know your thoughts, Even when you are far away, I see you when you travel, Or when you rest at home, I see the tears that fall from your eyes, I see the heartache in your home, Believe me I know the lies, I know the temptations, But I am here, I know what you are going to say, Even before you say it. I go before you and follow, I place my hand of blessing on your head, Such knowledge is beyond comprehension, It is too wonderful for you to understand, You can never escape from my Spirit, You can never get away from my presence! If you go up to heaven, I am there; if you go down to the grave, I am there. If you ride the wings of the morning,If you dwell by the farthest oceans, Even there my hand will guide you, And my strength will support you.
You could ask the darkness to hide you,
And the light around you to become night,
But even in darkness you cannot hide from me,
To me night shine as day,
Darkness and light are the same to me,
I made all the delicate, inner parts of your body,
I made your heart,
I know what makes you hurt,
I know what makes you cry,
I know what makes you tick,
I know when breaks your heart the most,
And I know how to comfort you,
I know how to make you smile,
I know how to love you,
I know how to be a daddy who loves,
Such a beautiful daughter like you,
You long for acceptance,
When you were already accepted into my family,
You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
I love you more than you know,
I will fill your heart with the love and peace you long for,
I saw you before you were born,
I knit you together in your mother's womb,
Even then I loved you,
And I was proud of you,
And I thought of you as my beautiful daughter, my princess,
Everyday of your life is recorded in my book,
Every moment was laid out,
Every moment that would bring you joy,
Every moment that would bring you pain.
My thoughts about you are precious,
They cannot be numbered,
They out number the grains of sand,
And when you wake up in the morning,
I am still with you,
I love you more than you know,
You are beautiful to me,
Even though you feel something is always wrong,
Just look into my eyes,
See how I see you,
A beautiful princess,
With beautiful eyes that shine with my love and my light,
I love you,
And I will say it again,
I love you,
My princess, my beloved,
My precious daughter,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you.
Don't give up,
For I see the brokenness in your families,
In your friendships,
I see the pain in your eyes,
Your beautiful heart,
That used to be so filled joy,
Is now crushed beneath your burdens,
But you're still beautiful to me,
So beautiful to me,
I will heal you and restore you once again,
My precious daughter,
I will never leave you,
I will never forsake you,
I will be faithful until the end,
Faithful until the end...
Your loving Father and Daddy, Prince of Peace, King of Glory,

(long. I know. BUT so worth reading)
Pretty sure. No man can compare. Just sayin.
I hope that blessed you as much as it did me. & it made me open my eyes to so much.

Remember having issues & little things like break ups isn’t the absence of victory in our lives.
It’s simply a call to action reminding us victory is right around the corner.
Today is a great day to start believing you were made to walk in victory and to say to Jesus,
“Yes, with Your truth as my guide, I can. I will.”

Dear Lord, help us to see ourselves the way You see us. Please help us to remove the lies that defeat us more often than we want to acknowledge. You have set us free. Help us to live like we truly believe that. In Jesus name, Amen.

I love you all. ;)


p.s. 3 more days till my birthday!!! oh yes & I have 62 blog readers. I'm a happy girl. ;)
oh oh and remember. Do NOT settle for LESS than you deserve.

Listen to --> "More Beautiful You" by: Johnny Diaz

Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 things I love Sunday.

Ok so I didn't blog yesterday. I know. Shame on me,
but I spent an amazing day with my.......
Oh so amazing friend: boy friend: laugh at everything partner:
Dustin Jay McFadden. ;)
he's pretty amazing. If I do say so myself.

he.makes.my.heart.go.pitter-patter <3

now for my 10 thing I love this Sunday

RANGE ROVER. yes. please!
(one day. one day. in my dreams. sigh. isn't it precious)

(i love the feeling.)

a lazy day with Dustin. phenomenal.
(only thing missing. Bonnie Kayte.)

oHHh. Mmmm. Geee.
mouth watering now.
(270 Calories? No Thank You. I will just drool while thinking of how yummy you are.)

skittles.taste.the.rainbow. FALSE
but very yummy. favorite are the CRAZY CORE ones. ;)

I could seriously watch YouTube videos all day long.
True Story.

Could eat pizza all day everyday. I LAVA it.

my all time favorite actress. She's beautiful. && she snorts when she laughs.
sigh. A woman after my own heart. <3

need I say more. I wish all my clothes we're PINK.
that's it. that's all.

love this picture. & love the song.
"just a small town girl....livin in a lonely world"


fun fact: I googled "Another word for amazing" & BLOODY AWESOME popped up.
weird. i know. but I thought that was so funny.

-gotta go now. Dustin & I are going to make brownies. =P

p.s. I am sure missing Bonnie Kayte. She'll be with her Dad till Friday. =[
oH yes &&....4 more days till my birthday. ;) eeekk
fkjhasdfnafd  askdhfaksjbf sadfjhaskdnf!!!

Listen to--> "Oh, Tonight" by Josh Abbott Band

Friday, January 14, 2011

Never Grow Up...please.

soooo I didn't have school today, but like I announced in last nights blog
I had one sick baby. This morning I woke up,
 called her Dr. and scheduled an appointment for 1:30.

off to Lubbock Bonnie & I went.
-got there, I checked in & immediately I had flash backs of all the times
I had been there with her, from her very first dr.appointment to her first shots appointment.
moving along now...

they took her temp. and she was running fever of 101.5. 
Weighed her and she weighs 25.5lbs (she's a little thang)

I told the nurse all the symptoms she had been having the past two nights
so she swabbed her nose to test her for the flu....
results came back...
My angel bug has the flu.
(i know ;( sad day)

~She is taking Tamiflu & Sildec.~

here are some pics of Bonnie while @ the Dr.
(click photo to enlarge)

We left the doctors office & I had some running around to do, so I did just that,
 then we went to the mall to get Bonnie some chick-fil-a & me a yummy fruit bowl from there too. 
BUT they were CLOSED for remodeling! 
Can you believe that. I was sad. 
So we went over to that Italian food place. 
I got a salad (that was pretty good) & Bonnie got spaghetti. =P 
I drooled. twice while feeding it to her, & as she slurped the noodles up. haha.

AFTER: we ate. 
Bonnie chose to walk around & find the "water" (the fountain), so we did...
and she threw about 100 pennies in there. Not even kidding. BUT I didn't care, my purse is so much lighter now & I had nothing better to do. & the look on her face every time she threw a penny into the water, sigh,
 I captured every facial expression she made. & I saved every one of them in my mind.

PAUSE for a second.
(as I said on my facebook status today. "Today has really made me miss being a stay at home mom. ;(".
True story! I was thrilled to spend the entire day with Bonnie Kayte. Wish she wasn't sick, but even thou 
she was. she was still so much fun & all her smiles made my day. I love her smile.)

after watching her throw 100 pennies into the fountain. 
We walked around the mall looking for all the kiddy rides.
I spent $5.00 on the carousel dilly bopper, 
that was her favorite. ;) & mine too because she laughed the entire time. 
& her laugh my friends is contagious. haha. ;) 

*pictures don't do justice.*
(click photo to enlarge)

after we rode all the rides my coin purse allowed us to, 
we then walked into CLAIRES, she wanted to touch everything
& wear all the bracelets, necklaces, & rings. 
you girls all know that feeling you use to get when you'd walk into claires. haha.
I had fun with her in there. ;) after that little pit stop. 
we went to mrs. fields cookies. YUHHHUMM! 
too bad I didn't get one, 
even thou it is a MUST for Bonnie & I to go get cookies EVERYTIME we go to the mall. 
The whole time we were walking around she kept saying "mommy, we go get cookies"...
I was hoping she'd forget because I had already drooled while watching her eat spaghetti, & didn't want to 
drool over cookies. sigh. 
BUT we went & she got 6 little Sugar M&M cookies. & I did drool a little more. NO BIG DEAL.

after the cookie pit stop, we headed home. 
Bon got to eat 3 cookies out of the 6. 
She dropped the other 3 on the ground on the way to the car. 
I know. Sad day. & it wasn't because I wanted them. lol. 
seriously thou. I don't like M&M cookies. 
that's why I got them for her. So I wouldn't be tempted. haha. 
We then got to the car & I was exhausted & I know for a fact she was too. 
she buckled herself in & was out for the count. No joke.
(click photo to enlarge)

she didn't even finish her cookie.
I wasn't even out of the mall parking lot. sweet baby.
anyhow, I do my usual...plug in my phone & turn on my iPod on shuffle. 
& the song "Never Grow Up" by: Taylor swift comes on 
& I just begin to cry... while watching my little chicky-poo sleep throu my rear view mirror.
& it wasn't because I was sad, mad... 
but because of how blessed I felt & how happy my heart was to have had the chance 
to spend that time with my favorite girl. It was seriously the dose of medicine my heart had been longing for, for a long time now. 
I hate how busy I have been with school & work & how it's kept me from 
being able to experience that feeling. 
When I was a stay at home mom I got to experience that on a daily basis. 
But people change, things change, & that's ok. 
I could honestly say that if I could pick any job in the world, 
it would be to be a stay at home mom again. 
I'm convinced I will never be that happy again in my life, & I'm okay with that. 
Spending every hour with her, capturing her first everythings, pshhh. NOTHING can compare.
 just my opinion. 
memories last forever. & I have plenty of pictures to help those memories that will last forever. 
(click photo to enlarge)
i love her, oh so much.
So to all you stay at home moms, you guys saver every moment,
 capture all the things that make your heart go pitter patter. 
I did. & that is something that has helped me with not being able to be one anymore. 
you guys are beyond blessed. ;)
and that was my lovely day. ;)
hope you enjoyed reading about it, I enjoyed sharing it. 
my little chicky is sleepy. 
so until next time,

BE BLESSED. BE LOVED. & take pictures of your babies. lots of pictures. ;)
p.s. 7 more days till my birthday.
oh yes, and last but not least. I haven't seen Dustin in like 2 days. I miss him a lot.
he sent this to me right before I started blogging tonight...

haha. isn't he precious. -_-
goodnight. sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite. ;)

Listen to--> "Never Grown Up" by: Taylor Swift.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Short & Sweet

hey guys,
Okay so I didn't blog last night and I wasn't going to blog tonight but I thought I'd take five minutes of my time to give you a little inside on what Bonnie and I have been up to...

Yesterday: Tuesday: 1/11/11
Bonnie and I had our same little routine. ONLY we got to see Dustin for the first time since he's been back from his trip and we all watched Finding Nemo. for the thousandth time. it never gets old. ;) moving on.... the down side of yesterday was that both Dustin and Bonnie were sick. & I had a Final (that I hardly studied for) & I missed a volleyball game I was suppose to attend. No Big Deal. Just wanted y'all to know that there was other things I didn't do other than not blog. sigh. 

now to squeeze in my day today before I am called by a sick baby to go to bed,

Today: 1/12/11
Again Bonnie and I had our same little routine. Woke up went to school, work, home, workout, all that goood stuff! The down side of today is that Bonnie is still sick, running fever, weird thing is....she ONLY run fever at night?? So off to the doctor we go tomorrow. Please pray for her. She is so restless tonight. She has asleep for going on an hour but wakes up crying just not feeling good at all. ;( make me so sad, when I can only do so much, but "so much" doesn't fix it. BUT she will get BETTER I just know it. and I also didn't get to see Dustin today, he is still sick as well. I feel like he is still away in Cabo. dislike? YUP. Dislike.much. Hope Bonnie and him both get to feelin better. 

Oh yes & I am still doing good with my fast && I have been to the gym everyday this week so far. 

So sorry this so "short & sweet". BUT It is time. I must go cuddle with Bonnie now.

BUT, before I go I'd like to say Happy Birthday to a very dear friend of mine. 
Happy 21st! ;)
Hope everyone had a good HUMP day.
p.s. 8 MORE DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY!! Ahhhhh No big deal. ;)

Listen to--> "Small Town Kid" by: Eli Young Band. 
(Just a FUN fact. This is probably the Best song to run on a treadmill to, don't ask why. just take my word for it. ;) Goodnight)

Monday, January 10, 2011


Ok so this day went by fast but yet so slow for me.
Here is what my day consist of.....

-I woke up at 5:30am
-finished up some laundry
-Took a shower
-Got Ready for school...then
-Woke my grumpy.not so much of a mornin person daughter up
(Arrow pointing at.....that my friend, would be baby drool. haha) 
click image to enlarge. PLEASE. lol
(took these pictures this morning right before I yelled "Bonnie Kayte wake up, you have school today" and her reply was "No. Just 1 minute momma, I sleepin") 
I live for. little moments. like that. ;)......
[moving along now....]
 I got her up and ready for "school"
-Got Her Everyday Cup of Milk, baggy full of cereal.
-Cut me up an apple for Breakfast (i ate 4 slices)
-and Bk and I were on our way to Lubbock.

I listened to Kari Jobe the whole way there. love her.
 Held Bonnie's Hand the whole way there too. (yes while driving) 
It's a mommy & bonnie thing...
she will ask me told hold her hand every time we get into the car to go somewhere. 
She started doing this right after she turned 1. 
My arms kills me once we get to Lubbock every morning. BUT 
anything for my sweet Bonnie. ;)

I then dropped Bonnie off at school
Then I myself went to school from 8:00am to 12:50
Ate 7 slices of apple for lunch
Then to work @ good ole' Estacado. (i really enjoy doing work study there) its fun.
Today I worked till 3:30
Picked BK up from school
Drove back to Plainview
Came home, changed clothes
Took Bonnie to Gymnastics
Then Devin and I went to work out
Then I picked Bonnie up from Gymnastics at 6
Came home
Ate dinner (good ole plain Salad haha)

(The Daniel Fast was a little tough today but I did it. Thanks to apples and prayer and water. Yum. I also went to the Laney with my sister Devin to work out. I ran for 30 minutes, I felt like I accomplished something today!)

I am now blogging with Bonnie Kayte asleep in my lap....

waiting for Dustin to call and tell me he made it to Lubbock.
I can NOT wait to see him.
5 or 6 days, however many days it was that he was gone, seemed like
I sure have missed him.
Hope everyone had a good Monday.
Mine well....."It.Most.Def.Felt.Like.A.Monday"

p.s.....10 more days till my birthday!! ;)

Listen to -->  "Love like Crazy" by: Lee Brice