Monday, November 14, 2011


Today is Monday...
and Mondays are my days with Bonnie Kayte.

I couldn't wait to pick her up today after work...
I've missed her sweet little face so much.

My daughter has humbled me since the day she was born.

Before her, I often found myself thinking, "I would never put up with that," when I would see a child misbehave in public.

boy was I in for a real rude awakening...little miss chicky poo, proved me wrong.

 I seriously thought to myself that I would be the greatest parent on earth and my child would be so well behaved, because I would love her, and spend time with her, and I would correct her properly.

I mean, maybe I should write a book! Like how hard can it be??

I'm sure you are all laughing but I seriously thought that....

Well, guess what, I was wrong..

Turns out I would put up with that and much more.

Bonnie Kaytes free and feisty spirit has humbled me.
Lately I think she has humbled anyone associated with her... me, my dad, my brother(s), my step-mom, her dad...etc.

I'm speaking on my behalf for sure thou.


Raise your hand if you have ever became so frustrated over something so silly?
(go ahead. raise your hand)

So I'm sure most of you know from facebook, "we"/I built princess fort.
It wasn't a very good one, haha, hey...I tried,
& when my 3 year old said these words 
"Momma its a magical princess one" 
I felt like a million bucks!

finished product/BEFORE photo.

Then I thought to myself..... 
-here I am sweating (<-literally) trying to put this fort together, 
that consist of like 3 things, 
and I'm angry because the blanket kept falling, 
and I couldn't figure out how to make it all stay together...
no lie I worked on it for like an hour! 
Just being honest, the fort caused me to become VERY flustered! 
(DUMB! i know)
and this sweet child of mine see's it as a "magical princess fort"...

But Of course it was a "Magical Princess Fort"!!
 that only Bonnie and I were allowed in......
OOo Ooo and the little "princess fairies". (according to Bonnie)

#Truth is.......
I'd give anything to see things from a child's point of view,

I would have given anything at the time of my silly frustration,
 to see this fluster causing, god forsaken thing....
 as something so "magical" and full of  "princess fairies"
like Bonnie did.

Lord make me more like Bonnie....I want to see fairies and eat a sucker for dinner instead of real food because my mom doesn't want to argue with me. amen.

on a serious note...
I pray that I would open up my eyes and imagination a little more, 
and see things more like my daughter does,
Where no frustration is involved...
just "magic" and "fairies"
I know that is silly, but I'm a mom, 
& when your a mom, you'll totally get what I'm trying to say.
and if you are a mom, then you totally know what I am talking about...
Ohhh to be a child again.

Lord, make me more like my sweet Bonnie Kayte.
So beautiful. 
So pure.
So loving.
So true.
So helpful.
So friendly.
So smart.
So aware.
So loyal.
So forgiving.

we had lots of fun, 
and most important...we made memories.
because I'm pretty sure this momma couldn't build that same fort again to say her life! ;)

AFTER photo (a BIG fat fort fail) ;) haha

Hope you all had a fabulous Monday like me! ;)


(I thought it was very understandable reading that we can all gain something from.)

until next time,


listen to,
drum roll please....
one of mine and Bonnie Kaytes favorites to sing in the car.
(we even have hand motions for it ;) because we are cool like that ;))
"free to dance from the love within"

listen to--> "You Are All I'm After" by: Coffey Anderson

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