Tuesday, February 4, 2014

10 things I love Tuesday

hi =)

I am a day late blogging... 
I do apologize.

What do you guys think about this weather?? 
I can not deal with it anymore. 
I really am soooo ready for Spring!!


Ok now for my 10 things I love.....

1.) Fake eyelashes

(click to enlarge picture)

my stepmom took me yesterday to get these done. They are the best thing ever, I don't have to put mascara on everyday and hope that my eyelashes come out good, they look they same everyday and will last me a month!!

2.) 2013 Acadia's

Test drove one. Loved it.

3.) My little brother had a vision for a Snack-Adium and this is what the outcome was.
I was very impressed

4.) My boots Steven got me for my birthday.

5.) My Stepmom & I had a dinner date Monday night, and I loved it so much.
We haven't always been close, but we are now and that is all that matters.

6.) Science Spectrum. 

I'm 5.

7.) Sister Act 2

my favorite part ^

8.) Bonnie's love for gymnastics/cheer

9.) Rice Krispy Treats from Target's little store

the taste is magical.

10. ) A good friend, that has always been such a good friend.

I moved away from Plainview when I was in the 5th grade, went to Lubbock Cooper 6th grade-9th grade, then moved back to Plainview for my Sophomore year. 
I've know Michael since the 2nd grade, and when I came back to Plainview he was the ONLY person that knew me, and remembered me from Hillcrest Elementary that didn't walk past me with his nose in the air. 
Sad, but so very true.
Most people see him as the #84 TE that plays for the Miami Dolphins, which is great, and indeed he is that, but I just wholeheartedly cherish his friendship, and I am so proud of all that he has accomplished in life, and will continue to accomplish. 
He has a beautiful wife, little girl, and he is doing what he loves.
Thank you for never changing and for being a good friend Egnew.

sold. I am so trying this.


Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week!

Be blessed. Be loved.

-Malorie Lucille


Listen to --> "Fast Car" by Boyce Avenue


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