Sunday, April 25, 2010

10 NEW things I love SUNDAY

i am a huge slacker. sorry. do yall still love me??
I am going to do better, I just know it.....really soon. its coming.
love yall, until then here are my 10 BRAND NEW THINGS I LOVED THIS SUNDAY.

world missions/aim class.

supper at IHOP. this is the exact thing I had tonight but i didnt take the picture...
annnnd someone paid for my bill.
Hopefully it wasn't the creepy cowboy guy that kept looking at me....(bluuuuuhh)

sunday naps/resting while sick.
say it with me Uhhhhhmmmmaaaazing!!

iphone. pretty sweet.

pink pony...say what??
I shall paint my pony pink...tomorrow. =)

praise and worship.....oh how i love thee!

this video game. i already conquered it! muaahHH!!

glitter cupcakes!
are you kidding me??
how come i haven't had one?!!

shopping with Katey and Morgan.
i love those girls.

last but not least. I want a bike. pink one please. =)


I went riding on saturday, and I didn't take my lip chap.
bad idea!
i should have borrowed some from the school nurse....
i know she has like five sticks in her drawer. ;)

i love you all.
thanks for reading.

listen to-->"I'm yours" by: Jason Marz


  1. Aaawww that picture reminded me of us!! Like seriously! Cause we are mighty fine and are always talkin! Hahah and you did conquer that game mal! You were the best hider on there! Bahahaha I had a great time "chopping with chu!" :)

  2. Mal, go to Hembree's and in the back they have a pink bike that is so cute! and it has a cusiony seat that doesnt make ur booty hurt! I was gonna get it but havent yet so u better hurry and get it before I do oh and the best part is that its only ya Micah

  3. Ok sticking to 5...
    1. seeing that friend that you have been inviting to church show up out of the blue!
    2. freedom in go mk
    3. seeing a Bible verse in a whole new way...
    4. Bonnie Kaytes new pink loafers
    5. fresh cut grass... thanks Javie!

  4. I still love ya mal! I love The Hills!!! I need to finish the end of the last season. And I have been craving Ihop for weeks. Well I don't think i have ten things right now but lets see:
    1. seeing my bed made when i walk by my room
    2. joyce meyers
    3. cool breeze early in the morning
    4. feeling my baby move around inside my tummy
    5. I corinthians 14:1
    Well there is a few that I thought of. I hope you have a great week! Love ya Friend!

  5. That's funny I just watched The Hills the other day and liked it! I laughed when I saw that.

    10 things I love about Sunday

    1. Going to church with my husband, having lunch and then both of us taking an afternoon nap. I love hanging out with my husband, he is so cool!

    2.My grandbabies, Gunnar and Dylan, I love them so much. They make me laugh, and just thinking about them, even now, makes me smile!

    3. A clean house and clean laundry, after working on Saturday morning, and my husband cleaned the house!

    4. Going grocery shopping with my husband at Wal-mart.

    5. Wal-mart!

    6. Praise and Worship

    7. Our church services

    8. Waking up early and having a cup of coffee to a quiet peaceful home.

    9. Reading the Sunday paper

    10. Riding with the top down, and getting an ice cream at DQ

  6. I love your new 10 new things!
    thats awesome you play modern do I!! lol you need to add Skyler's account thing so we can play against each other..= ]
    glitter cupcakes now thats something i gotta try!!

  7. 1.Going to church
    2. Seeing someone I prayed with at G & F
    3. Eating with hubby & friends
    4. Nap
    5. Tanning
    6. Praising & Worshipping
    just a few things I love about Sunday
