Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 things I LOVE this Tuesday...

I have not done one of these blogs in awhile...

be aware, most of these are pregnancy related. :)

10 things I Love this Tuesday:

1.) going to Dr.appointments.
I love my OB. 
Dr. Christina Belle-Henry.

2.)  Mrs. Bairds Peach Pies. 
My weakness.

3.) Spoonful.
Frozen Yogurt dates with Bonnie Kayte & Maw-B.
Bonnie got a purple spoon, Maw-B got a yellow spoon, and I got a pink spoon :)

4.) Walking/Running.
I have had more energy this pregnancy than I could only have dreamed of having when I was pregnant with Bonnie Kayte. 
It's been really nice.
(note to self: don't ever show up to another 5K race with a visible pregnant belly, and a sucker in your mouth, it is frowned upon. :))

5.) Balance Ball & weights.
I use the balance ball as a chair most of the time.
It helps me a lot with lower back discomfort.
& while I sit relaxing, I use light weights for arm toning.
win/win :)

6.)pregnancy massages.
I've gotten one, once a month starting in April.
Why I've chosen to get one, once a month till I have bb.
For me it:
* reduces leg and back pain
* effectively reduces stress
* promotes better sleep
* promotes better blood circulation & reduce swelling
* provides relief from muscle spasms and cramps.
* so relaxing!

  (I went this past Monday, and for the first time had to use the pregnancy cushion.
 I liked it. It made the massage that much more relaxing.)

7.) This bible study/group Steven & I are in.
We are currently reading...
love it.
Highly recommend it.

8.) These suckers. Yum-o!

9.) My straightener! 
This thing is magic.

10.) Ed Sheeran.
His voice, & music are so great!
Check him out! 
(He covers a lot of great songs, and has some good ones of his own)

What are 10 things you LOVED this Tuesday??



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 Steven and Brewer
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  1. Just found your blog as I was looking through local bloggers :) I'm actually from Dalhart, small world! lol. Anyways, excited to be following along now!

  2. so awesome! thanks for following :)
