Sunday, July 6, 2014

Young Living EOs in the Robert's Household

I’m a mom, and flu season is around the corner. 
Bonnie Kayte starts Kindergarten. 
Maddie Lou makes her appearance this October.
And then there is the constant allergy season...
Anyway, I’m no stranger to teething pain, runny nose, tummy bugs, and sore throats. 

But in my medicine cabinet, prior to last Thursday these are OTC meds you'd find, 
Extra Strength Midol, 
Montelukast (Substitute for Singulair), 
Peppermint ("now" a brand of Essential Oils)
Tylenol/Children’s Tylenol. 

However, if you know me... even though those few things existed in my cabinet. 
If you ever asked me if I had Tylenol for your headache, 
you aren't going to find me handing you a white, and red pill.
Especially when I became familiar with peppermint oil.
You only heard of me, or actually saw me consume medicine if I was on the verge of needing serious medical attention. 
Even then, my medicine intake wasn't promising, doctor would call in/or write me a prescription, I'd never go pick it up.
I would even let the Dr. or PA know how I felt about medicine. anyhow...

Last year I just knew I had the flu, had every symptom, and then some... 
went to get swabbed for the flu, it came back negative. 
However, I felt/looked like a walking zombie, and was suppose to be attending the Cotton Bowl game (that I refused to miss), even consuming vitamins, VITAMINS, was a job in itself for me!
I just can't handle the thought of taking anything, I have always had a really hard time with any medicine.

Even more so when it came to my daughter (Bonnie Kayte) ever having to take medicine.
Since she was a baby she has NEVER been a sickly child.
STILL isn't. I am very thankful.
She does suffer with seasonal allergies and has been prescribed a chew-able tablet called,
Montelukast (Substitue for Singulair),
there are days she doesn't ask for a tablet,
and then there are mornings that after her second time requesting one
(only because I like to really make sure it's needed),
she is given one, mind you, the bottle reads she can only take 1 tablet daily.

So. Onward.
Last year a friend of mine, Shaina Dunn, started sharing her Young Living Oils journey as a momma. 
(or maybe a little over a year ago). 
I became very interested in what it was all about. 
Messaged her about it.

Thought about it for a long while.
Bonnie was prescribed her tablets following my interest in the young living oils. 
So I thought about the young living oils a little bit more. 
Long story short, I wanted to do some research on my own, 
and just like with anything that I try to do on my own, 
I became consumed in it, and then it became completely overwhelming to me. 
So I stopped looking into.
In the mean time, still coming across Shaina's Young Living post on my Facebook newsfeed... 
they were always so great!

(I share that only because I don't want you to feel as if I heard about it Young Living Essential Oils one day, and signed up for it the following day. Not that that would have been a bad idea. 
Just sharing my journey is all. & I really hope you continue to follow me on it. :))

When Steven and I were dating, I mentioned the YL oils to him several times... he's a funny guy, and so he would always have some sort of comment, not necessarily negative comments about the oils, but not very comforting "I have your back" comments either. 
Since then, anytime I have brought up oils, I am called a Hippie :), and when I need to make a stop at Natural Grocers, it's not Natural Grocers, it's the Hippie Store. 
Did I let his comments influence my purchasing of the YL oils? Indeed.
So instead I JUST bought "natural"/ "organic" things, 
because I did NOT want to be known as the Oily Hippie Lady. 
(Per Steven.)

Steven, and I get married this past April.
Now... I don't really understand why marriage changes things... but it does.
 Steven has always snored,
but as soon as we get married his snoring became extremely hard for me to deal with. 
Like I can't handle it, some nights I found that I would even go to sleep a little upset with him...
and poor guy didn't even know.
He's just sleeping away, snoring loud, and I would close his nostrils to make him stop, 
that would help for a little bit.
I would try, and wake up to tell him to turn on his side...
because it's so much worse when he is laying on his back.
Well, waking Steven.... impossible.
Hopefully, you catch my drift.
Oh yes, and it doesn't help that I am pregnant, and can't sleep as it is.

My OB Dr. told me to try Unisom 
(because that's the only "safe" thing to take during pregnancy for sleep.) 
I was extremely desperate for sleep... so I did just that.
Tried it. 
It didn't help. at all. 
I would take it at 8pm, because it's suppose to work 30 minutes to 1 hour following. 
4am rolls around, and I'm still up.
Watching Disney Channel. 

A little over a week ago, I talked...
or maybe I told Steven about just completely ridding everything in our medicine cabinet,
and purchasing a starter kit with Young Living,
then I just shared with him how I truly feel that Bonnie Kayte, myself,
and even Maddie Lou will be able to benefit from them. 

His reply... (insert chuckle) "well I don't really think it matters what I say... sounds like your mind is already made up, and I'm not going to be using them"...

Ok.... so maybe I told him about the purchase, more than I did any "talking" it through with him,
but he is so right.
Steven doesn't ever get sick, and even when he does, he goes to work, and gets others sick.
True story. He had a stomach virus, was puking, and still went to work...
He is such a man, I can't even handle it. :)

There really was more to that conversation, and he was very comforting, and officially gave me the 
"I have your back" comment I was longing for. 
So I did it, I made my starter kit purchase, the last Friday in June. 


Thursday was a great day. 7.3.14 
It was pretty much everyone's "Friday", because of the 4th being Friday.
I had a very productive day.
Actually completed a DIY pin, that I pinned on Pinterest. (which huge deal!)
annnnnd, FedEx brought me a box, taped with Young Living packaging tape.

Now my medicine cabinet consist of:
Peace & Calming
Stress Away (not in picture)



Since Thursday, if you complain of a malady in my hearing, you’re going to hear the following:

“I have an oil for that!” 
(now if I could only capture a picture of Steven's facial expression every time he hears this. :))
long face, sunken slumped shoulders. 
oh yeah, he loves me.

Seriously, I was the laughing stock this 4th of July.
Dad got a burn on his finger... "I have an oil for that!"
Maw-B snores.. "I have an oil for that!"
Everyone had mosquito bites.. "I have an oil for that!"

It's okay to say it... I'm that person. 


My husband and I use Peace & Calming, Valor, and Lavender every night (since Thursday night). 
I have slept so great since beginning to use the oils,
and all through the night at that,
 I don't wake up to silly noises etc.
Steven has slept very good as well...
but he says it's not the oils,
it's just because "he is catching up on sleep from being gone the two weeks." (oh.)
I diffuse Peace & Calming, I also rub it on my feet, and shoulders.
I rub lavender behind my ears.
Steven, because he is my best friend, and cares that I sleep, applies one drop of Valor on his wrist (rubs them together), and applies it on on the bottom of each big toe. 
No joke, I seriously sleep so good!

Lavender was applied to Dad's burnt finger, and he said it made it to where he couldn't feel anything, like no more discomfort. YAY!

His heartburn some how magically "went away", so he no longer needed oils for that. :)

I had a mosquito bit under my eye, that itched so so bad, and I applied Lavender & Purification, it immediately took it away! YAY!

We applied Valor on Maw-B's wrist, and on both of her big toes come bedtime, and she didn't snore either. YAY!

Since we went to Plainview for July 4th, our dog Gracie was inside with her pups, a friend had come over to let her out, water and feed, but when we got home Saturday evening, Gracie had had an
accident in the house. Smelled horrible. I immediately cleaned out the scentsy that HAD Leather scentsy in it, because it was of NO help to that smell, at all, and just like any scentsy, the smell had already faded.
I added 7 drops of Purification to the scentsy warmer, a couple of minutes later, the horrible odor was gone! amazing! YAY!

Shaina posted on Facebook awhile back that she had never soaked fruits before, but saw a FB post by someone else who used oils- 1 drop of Thieves, and 2 drops of Lemon. 
I had just bought fruit Thursday, and washed them, and put them into different containers like I always do, but while I was cooking dinner Saturday evening I remembered Shaina's post, 
and was curious as to how clean my fruit really was,
being that I had already cleaned them... with just water,
so I soaked the cherries, blue berries, and strawberries for about 5 minutes or so, and this is what the water looked like. Ugg. but YAY for clean fruit!

my last personal share that I have you for thus far.... I have had a tummy issues for the past 3 days, I thought I had finally shook it with not eating certain foods, drinking plenty of water, 
but it came again today :(. Light bulb came on, and I was in search of what oils to use, I am currently diffusing 4 drops of Thieves, 4 drops of Peppermint, and have rubbed 2 drops of Lemon on my tummy...
I already feel a lot better than I did, and will let you know all know in my next blog update....
but so far, so good, YAY!

something that I am really looking forward to using for Bonnie Kayte's allergies is:
LLP (Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint)
I can diffuse it for her, she can rub it on her feet, I can make her a roller ball. etc. 
The great thing about oils is that, even if symptoms re-occur, which, let’s be honest, they do... even with conventional medicine, oils can be reapplied without fear of overdose. YAY!

So sorry if this was not your cup of tea, or boring to you. 
I think it's awesome, and I am so excited, and I am so happy about this change!


Disclaimer: While I do have a wholesale membership with Young Living Essential Oils, I do not make a business of it, and I have not been compensated in any way for mentioning them in this article. 
This is based on my own experiences with the oils. I can get people to sign up on my team- you buy everything from Young Living, but I would love to help you.
 If you use any other brands of oils, I know that Doterra is another popular name around where I live, 
or if you use just any other good-quality oil, and it works for you, that is fantastic. 
The Young Living vs. Doterra debate is perpetual. 
Find what works for you.

If you are interested in signing up!
 Please message me, email me, call me, comment on this blog, etc.


Here are a few simple steps for you to sign up:

2. Sign up as a wholesale member to receive 24% off for life. No need to sell anything ever, but there are some great, life changing, business opportunities if you’re interested.

3. Use my number: 1899911 as the sponsor ID, AND the enroller ID.

4. Fill out your info and select the very first Premium Starter Kit for $150, and you’re set to go!

If you select a different starter kit (the $40 or the $75 one) I want you to be aware that you will only be getting one oil. This does not include the 10 everyday oils, just a few samples.

Please make sure you allow Young Living to send emails so I can contact you and get you connected with other oily family members. Otherwise, I will have no way to reach out to you.

You do not have to select an essential rewards kit unless you want to. I LOVE the Thieves Kit and the NingXia Red kit. It’s a great way to slowly dive into this healthy lifestyle while only spending 50pv a month. The best part- you get free oils!! You can always sign up at a later time as well (you do not have to purchase a kit, you can simply purchase the same products you have been using).

Please email me if you have any questions and I’m so excited to start this journey with you!! We have a great support system so you will never feel alone.



Be Blessed.
Be Loved.



Currently listening to: That's What's Up Cover by: Lennon & Maisy


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If you would like to have your business advertised on my blog, just send your company logo to my phone through text, or in a message on Facebook. 
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