Monday, January 17, 2011

hello my prettys.


ok so a couple of days ago I made a facebook status asking what I should blog about & one of them was, "Break ups...and how to get over them ASAP! And with as little alcohol as possible."
haha. haven't we all had those break-ups, separations, divorces, etc.
So here is the deal....
I'm going to blog not really sure if it's really nailing the topic on the head BUT I think it might be encouraging and may help you find who you are & who you should be.
Or atleast thats what I am aiming for.

here it goes...
so I'm pretty sure we've all been in relationships, & we've had the gawd awful break ups.
 you know the ones where the guys just leave you just because, & use the whole "it's not you, it's me" line from That 70's show. Or you have the ones who promise to be faithful till the end & a week, month, or year from the time they told you that, you find out they cheated, with your bff, or an ex, or just a random girl. Or... these however are my favorites, the guy who tells you that your a princess & treats you like crap. I mean c'mon now. Do not tell a girl she is a princess & forget the royalty part that goes along with being a princess. HELLO?!! 
Basically what I am trying to get at is BREAK UPS suck. Bad. Real Bad. 
We all eventually get over it, I mean, it's life & it happens. BUT its hurts so bad.
Guys are poop. the end.


Let's face it. We are girls, and we don't know how to give a kiss without giving a piece of our heart, and anything we do after that...we're just going to give more of our heart. True story. right?

sooooo that being said...I thought to myself, & about the friends I have been there for & heard the stories of break ups of all kinds & about the guys that hurt them & about the guys that should be punched in the face... twice. haha. ok but seriously...I thought about all these things & have been in that very state before & it's awful. Believe me, I know. but here is the deal. Us girls tend to throw a pity party for ourselves when something like a break up comes a long in our life.... Guilty of it? Sure I am.
 "no body understands me", "I'll never find the "one"", "When am I going to find my prince charming", "When am I going to be happy"....sound familiar?

& while I thought about those very things. I was like. Okkkayy, surely there has to be a guy out there for us girls that think all this negative stupid stuff.
& y'all there is! No lie. He's amazing.

This man allows us with his love to do things we never thought we could do, he will take your broken mess & make you something great. "bloody awesome" right?

Do you get my vibe? 
(Paul Walker. No, I wish.)
it however is someone so much better.

Live your life for one man & one man only.
If you know who you are in Christ it is so easy to avoid ever being in a mess like a bad break up, or just any obstacle in general. When Christ is apart of your life you long to be pure & have pure relationships & you just long to be of him & NOT of this world.. because you will want to please him, you will know him on a personal level, and you will experience his love, his forgiveness, and you will experience how beautiful he makes you feel about yourself & there is NO other man on earth that will ever love you like that.

A very wise & inspiring lady once said to me "Even though I have an incredible husband, and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world....nobody will ever love me like Jesus" and that my friends is so true.

We. Us Girls. deserve all the beautiful things in life & in a relationship.
But our #1 relationship has to be with Jesus. & then comes LOVE, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.
(kidding. but seriously) 
God wants the very best for us, his daughters. 
Just like your earthly father doesn't want you dating or marrying a dirty birdie that doesn't treat you right,  and/or has his life & other things all jacked up & should be on the MAURY show, 
neither does our heavenly father. 

I love each & every one of my friends. You are all so precious to me. & deserve nothing but the best.
& one & I will both have our happy lives with our "prince charming" & we will live our "happily ever afters" but FIRST we must live our lives for Christ & only Christ & find our God created identity in & throu him.
So we make a pack. No MORE leaning on the "love", words, gushy feelings, & No MORE listening to the hateful things, or being left by a guy who knows nothing & has NOTHING to offer.

the bible says: " She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far ABOVE RUBIES or pearls."
Proverbs 31:10

I have pearls hanging from my rear view mirror & I remember this verse every time I get into my car & see them. ;) 

I found this & thought it was really neat.

(A love letter from God to his Daughters)
My precious daughter, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will be faithful until the end, You are more than just "my daughter", You are my princess, My beloved, my delight, I rejoice in you, You are beautiful, You shine with light, You have dove's eyes, I rejoice in you with singing, I will quiet you with my love, Hold you in my arms, Never let you go, For you are never alone, You never have been alone, I've been with you all along, Your whole life, I understand your pain, My sacrifice wasn't for nothing, Let me tell you I understand your confusion, I understand your anger and frustration, I understand your tears, And I care, Very much, For you, Everything that is important to you, Is important to me too, My love for you will never end, I will not leave you for another, I will not abandon you ever, No matter how far you go, My love will never end. I have examined your heart, I know everything about you, When you sit down or stand up, I know your thoughts, Even when you are far away, I see you when you travel, Or when you rest at home, I see the tears that fall from your eyes, I see the heartache in your home, Believe me I know the lies, I know the temptations, But I am here, I know what you are going to say, Even before you say it. I go before you and follow, I place my hand of blessing on your head, Such knowledge is beyond comprehension, It is too wonderful for you to understand, You can never escape from my Spirit, You can never get away from my presence! If you go up to heaven, I am there; if you go down to the grave, I am there. If you ride the wings of the morning,If you dwell by the farthest oceans, Even there my hand will guide you, And my strength will support you.
You could ask the darkness to hide you,
And the light around you to become night,
But even in darkness you cannot hide from me,
To me night shine as day,
Darkness and light are the same to me,
I made all the delicate, inner parts of your body,
I made your heart,
I know what makes you hurt,
I know what makes you cry,
I know what makes you tick,
I know when breaks your heart the most,
And I know how to comfort you,
I know how to make you smile,
I know how to love you,
I know how to be a daddy who loves,
Such a beautiful daughter like you,
You long for acceptance,
When you were already accepted into my family,
You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
I love you more than you know,
I will fill your heart with the love and peace you long for,
I saw you before you were born,
I knit you together in your mother's womb,
Even then I loved you,
And I was proud of you,
And I thought of you as my beautiful daughter, my princess,
Everyday of your life is recorded in my book,
Every moment was laid out,
Every moment that would bring you joy,
Every moment that would bring you pain.
My thoughts about you are precious,
They cannot be numbered,
They out number the grains of sand,
And when you wake up in the morning,
I am still with you,
I love you more than you know,
You are beautiful to me,
Even though you feel something is always wrong,
Just look into my eyes,
See how I see you,
A beautiful princess,
With beautiful eyes that shine with my love and my light,
I love you,
And I will say it again,
I love you,
My princess, my beloved,
My precious daughter,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you.
Don't give up,
For I see the brokenness in your families,
In your friendships,
I see the pain in your eyes,
Your beautiful heart,
That used to be so filled joy,
Is now crushed beneath your burdens,
But you're still beautiful to me,
So beautiful to me,
I will heal you and restore you once again,
My precious daughter,
I will never leave you,
I will never forsake you,
I will be faithful until the end,
Faithful until the end...
Your loving Father and Daddy, Prince of Peace, King of Glory,

(long. I know. BUT so worth reading)
Pretty sure. No man can compare. Just sayin.
I hope that blessed you as much as it did me. & it made me open my eyes to so much.

Remember having issues & little things like break ups isn’t the absence of victory in our lives.
It’s simply a call to action reminding us victory is right around the corner.
Today is a great day to start believing you were made to walk in victory and to say to Jesus,
“Yes, with Your truth as my guide, I can. I will.”

Dear Lord, help us to see ourselves the way You see us. Please help us to remove the lies that defeat us more often than we want to acknowledge. You have set us free. Help us to live like we truly believe that. In Jesus name, Amen.

I love you all. ;)


p.s. 3 more days till my birthday!!! oh yes & I have 62 blog readers. I'm a happy girl. ;)
oh oh and remember. Do NOT settle for LESS than you deserve.

Listen to --> "More Beautiful You" by: Johnny Diaz


  1. Hey girlie
    well I really think you outdid yourself with this blog....or maybe it was just what I needed today...not something to help with a relationship but something to tell me about Christ and how we need to put him first..the letter just hit the spot...

    P.S COngrats with the 62 readers =D


  2. Malorie, absolutely beautiful, I am going to post that scripture on my post today. Awesome, well said, definetely lead by the Lord! Thank you!

  3. Mal, I seriously cried my wittle eyes out with that letter from God. I needed that. It was beautiful. I love your blogs. They are truly inspiring.

  4. So I'm a day late on this blog...but I loved it and you definitely had the best answer/solution to the matter at hand.

    I'm so blessed that we met and your an amazing friend. Can't wait to help you celebrate the big day tomorrow <3

  5. I loved your blog!!! :) We all have been through those break ups & they suck!!! Anything is possible through Christ! :)
