Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oh how I've missed this.......

Ok so I have seriously missed blogging. makes my heart hurt just thinking about how I have got so caught up with my crazzzyy on the GO all the TIME life that I have stopped doing something I love to do. like BLOGGING...and ummm eating a BOWL OF CEREAL everyday. (if you know me, you know that I LOVE cereal and for me not to eat it on a daily basis just isn't right!! sigh) Ok now that I have vented a little. I am going to start off with.........

(I actually stopped carrying a purse for about 8 months (i know, weird right) but have recently started carrying one again.) here it goes....


Purse: Coach. Poppy Collection. So last freakin season. No Big Deal. ;)

*2 bottles of water. (WHY?)
*Crackers. (Really?)
*Phone Charger.
*My Phone
*PiNky (iPod)
*BabiesRus little thing.
*Eye Drops (stupid pink eye)
*2 Purell bottles
*6 Purell sanitizing hand wipes from Chick-fil-a (you get my vibe)
*Retainer case
*Special K Cereal Bar (ONLY 90 yummy calories ;))
*4 pens
*Black Make up bag.
*PiNK Gel watch (thank you Devin)
*My liscense
*Debit Card
*Hair Clip
*Cough Drops
*Coin purse (little tan one)
being that I hadn't carried a purse in 8 months...I wonder where all this junk was when I wasn't carrying it. I haven't a clue. Believe it or NOT. (The picture below) was what I carried for the 8 months that I didn't carry a purse. And its perfect. Its can hold my chapstick, my ID, my keys are attached to it so i dont have to DIG in a purse (UGHHHH hate that) and it can carry my debit card also. I may go back to carrying just IT. sigh. we will see. 

 well that was fun. SoooOO What's in your purse??

Hope everyone has had a good year so far.
& I seriously promise to BLOG more.
(if your a new reader of my blog I highly encourage you to go back on my blog archive and read them when you are bored, and you will know what I am talking about half the time. and just so you can learn a little more about me. ;))

Until next time.

P.S.- another thing that I am going to start doing this year besides blogging and eaating cereal on a daily basis.... is, spending more time with my pooch. Macy. Homegirl use to do everything with me, and go everywhere with me, literally (school, church, random car rides, the get the picture) and somewhere in my crazy life I stopped lovin on her and taking her places with me. ;(

(you get my vibe....she was my best friend. ;))

(we are off to a good start this year. she still woves her momma. ;))
Listen to --> "Church Pew or Bar Stool" by: Jason Aldean.


  1. I love it haha and yeah very random stuff in you bag....i dont think I have that many but I might have to check bc it is pretty heavy I never realize us girls put evrythhing in a purse (ugh) .....


  2. OKK. Whats in my purse...a lot of CRAP. Here it goes...

    *My Camera
    *Ticket Stub from The Fighter
    *Lifesavers :)
    *Vanilla Bean Noel lotion
    *My Ipod
    *Hair ties...for emergencys lol
    *Stride Gum (spearmint)
    *My watch
    *2 clips
    *My Wallet
    *A notepad lol
    *Hand Sanitizer
    *Heavenly Stardust perfume
    *Scissors...wound care duh
    *A highlighter
    *5 Pens
    *8 chapsticks/lip glosses hahaha

    Ashlei :)
