Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 Things you should do daily.

hi there.

I hope you all enjoyed my blog last night. ;) I enjoyed blogging it. BUT here is the deal. It took me an hour to post 63 blog links on 63 different peoples facebook pages. SOOoooOOO I came up with this marvelous idea to create a GROUP on facebook and just make each of my blog readers a memeber in the group, and after I blogged every night, I'd post the link to the GROUP page and it would automatically notify yall. && that made me smile. Real BIG. and made my heart flutter.....10 times. YAY for 63 readers...actually 64 now, and YAY for facebook GROUPS. -_-  

Now for
 "10 things you should do daily"

1. Wake up Early: This gets the day off to a great start. 

2. Brush your teeth: & do it rightttt!! brush yo grill for more than 1 minute, & don't forget your tongue! =P

3. Sweat Everyday: exercise. The body is not you, but is the vehicle through which you live and worship, so treat it like a temple and take care of it.

4. Laugh: Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

5. Do at Least One Good Deed: Everyday do something good for someone else.  Do something thoughtful, kind, generous.  Greed, aggression, competitiveness, arrogance, ambition are so widespread, take a moment and contribute to the energy of thoughtfulness, generosity, compassion, humility and giving.  Do it without focusing on the reward. 

6. Get Some Entertainment: You need to relax and enjoy yourself daily as well.  You will find that when you don’t endless pursue the pleasure principle all day, the time when you do indulge, is so much more fun and enjoyable.  You will really be able to laugh and be happy.  You will be full of joy and humor.

7. Do Something Difficult:  Everyday you should take on the challenge of doing something which is outside your comfort zone.  It is easy to live in a cocoon, with a do not disturb sign on the door, but then chances are you are not growing and are instead falling into a pattern of reactive living.  So have courage and take on the challenge of doing those things which you know deep inside you need to do, but have been able to cleverly avoid.  It does not have to be running a  day marathon, it could be as simple as making a difficult phone call, to turning off the TV, to eating healthy. 

8. Complete Your Daily Affairs: Don’t procrastinate, don’t delay, don’t put off what needs to done.

9. Smile:  If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours.

10. Have some humor:  There are very few experiences in life that can grab your attention instantly, and make you feel so good as something you deem to be funny. Humor is a must.

(try & put these 10 things into play tomorrow. as will I) ;)

hope you all had a great day!!
I did.
I am just extremely sleepy.


p.s. i am really missing Bonnie Kayte tonight. Can't wait to see her Friday!
ohhh yes... & only 2 more days till my birthday!!!! ;)

Listen to --> "You are for me" by: Kari Jobe

I seriously listened to this song on repeat the whole way to Lubbock this morning and just took in every word sang. I love her. I follow Kari Jobe on twitter, she most definitely inspires me, not only throu her adorable tweets but throu song. She is amazing. I hope this song blesses you as much as it does me, every time I hear it.  

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