Friday, June 27, 2014

She's 5.

September 4, 2013

Dear my sweet Bonnie girl,

Oh how mommy loves. I have spent two hours this morning reading the monthly blogs of all the milestones I blogged about you as I watched you grow to be 1 year, and today you're 5, sister sue! What is happening??

Oh but how blessed my life has been... ever since the day you were born, I can't imagine my life without you. Ever.

My goodness you are growing to be everything I knew you would be, and more. You are so smart, true, funny, determined, beautiful, loving, helpful, uplifting, pure, loyal, forgiving, aware, and friendly.

mommy loves you so much, and today marks not only that my Pre-k girl is 5, but it marks the 5.BEST.years of my life yet, angel bug. You're my favorite girl. & my whole wide world. & I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. =]

Thank you for being my reason behind knowing exactly why "Bedtime with Elmo" makes anyone who watches it, ready for bed. Thank you for being my reason for laughing at all the things I said I'd "never let my child do", you have humbled me kid. thank you for using my green craft paint and applying it as lotion all over yourself, your car seat, and the back of my seat and saying "it was just an accident".... I miss you every-time I see the dried green paint on my back seat. Thank you for having brown eyes like me "because that makes us best friends" , and lastly thank you for loving me "40. 5.90. 20. 17.6, because that's a lot. "

P.s I love your laugh & i love making you laugh. And have I told you... You're my favorite 5 year old. Like ever.

Happy 5th birthday sweet baby.


"That table over there is the mommy table"  lunch with the birthday girl! — at Akin Elementary School.


Took Bon back to her dad after a great birthday dinner! 
We sang, and laughed the whole way, and she reminded me over and over that she turned this many today (using her hand and not having to hold down any fingers, because she's a big 5 year old!) 
it was so great... I miss her so much already. 

Ya know. 
I've just never been a fan of sharing.

Happy birthday Bon Bon!
Mommy loves!

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