Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 things I love Sunday

Hi friends.
Sorry for not blogging yesterday.
I just relaxed at home with my sweet family. It was nice.

Ok here it is...

10 NEW things I love Sunday!

my pink ipod. (music makes me smile)

steamed rice YUM. (minus what ever is in the bowl to the left)

being "mom" =)

PEEPS! (word! they are the bomb!)

Cherry Blossom trees! (yes please!)

raking. (even thou I got a blister!)

this shirt! (adorable! I want it!)

the color "PINK"

head bands

relaxing. ahhhhh. (source)

What are you 10 NEW things you love this SUNDAY?


P.S. I ate at Wendys for the 1st time today.
I had a cheese burger with mayo and pickles ONLY.

i love all of you!
now i am off to water the grass. lol.
and edit pictures! YAY!

listen to---> "Here In This Moment" by: Beckah Shae


  1. lol, I can't believe how long it took you to try the square hamburgers. They are really good! I love Cherry Blossom Trees too! They are so pretty! Sorry you got a blister, Ouch. I have never had peeps and with all the talk on facebook and now your blog Im going to have to try them. Im really curious now =) Btw, it was good seeing you at church. I miss being there every Sunday. You look great! I saw Bonnie from a distance and she is getting so big! She is so adorable!

  2. Oh wow! i still have yet to try the square burger, but i am SOOOO glad to hear that im not the only one who hasnt tried one! Maybe i'll go to Wendy's soon! :) I have never tried peeps either. Oh but i do love the cherry blossom scent!


  3. so i was in old navy yesterday and i saw a shirt that said peace, love, peeps and i totally thought of you :)
    you have never tryed wendys squared hamburgers till yesterday :) they are delsih...:) ans so is there coke frostys :)
    and i must say i LOVE planning for a big event its so exciting especially when its your babys first BDAY!!! :) :)

    have a great day girl...and a blessed one tooo

  4. Ok sticking with my usual 3... it's a good number right?, love, love our new pastors... can't even put to words how much I appreciate their love and passion for people and the Lord.
    2.Love the old ceiling tiles i found for
    3. Love to hear other people pray out loud.

    If I can find you that shirt I am buying it for you... it is too cute
    Love ya Shelly (not Shannon)
