Saturday, March 27, 2010

Forgiven and Loved

Lord let me always remember that I am no longer under your judgement but under your grace. I've tried it on my own, trying to earn your approval through my own efforts, but I have come up inadequate to meet your perfect standards every time.

My Father's response to my simple plea....He sings this over me and everyone else who has been born again into His family: "Child, you're forgiven and loved."

About 3 months ago I heard this song called Forgiven and Loved by Jimmy Needham and it just really touched my heart besides that this guy has an amazing voice....and I got a tattoo today, and I am completely in love with it....When ever I feel that I am not worthy of my Father's forgiveness or love its right there on my arm and I will never be able to take it off or make it go away and that makes happy!

God’s love is true and reliable, but sometimes we don’t feel worthy to be loved by God. Sometimes because of things that happened in our past we think the Lord could never love us. Don't be trapped in Satan's lie that God could never forgive nor love you.

God's love for us is beyond our human comprehension and for that "you may be filled with all the fullness of God." -Eph.3:18-19

Nothing can separate us from God's love
"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:38-39

A believer receives God's forgiveness when he repents of sin and places his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation -- all of his sins are forgiven forever. Jesus died to pay the penalty for all of our sins, and once they are forgiven, they are all forgiven

Here it is....

and to top it friend Terrance from when I went to school at Cooper got to do it for me!
He did a great job! =)

Romans 8:1-"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"

HERE are the lyrics to the song "Forgiven and Loved"
(read along with them as you listen to him sing this song on youtube.)


P.S. I never did find a magic wand today. hmph!
Love yall and thank yall so much for the comments on last nights BLOG yall
are so sweet and beautiful!

listen to--> "Forgiven and Loved" by: Jimmy Needham


  1. Love it! What many of us dont get is we can be our worst judge sometimes, When he forgives us he remembers it no more! if more people could grasp that o what a change that would be! Great blog today

    love the tattoo

  2. I love it! You almost have as many as Lil Wayne hahahaha :)


  3. i love it girl...:) and u did a great job yesterday :)

  4. wow it looks good, I like the writing, of course what it says too, but he did a good job.
    You know the girl Kat that tattoos portraits? Some are so beautiful!

  5. Love the new ink! I can't wait till I can get mine =) Its great knowing that we are forgiven and loved, even through our imperfections!

  6. pOOkie! it looks good golly ur wilder then a bullrider..haha wink! Amen to God Almighty and His precious son Jesus..u b thankful swEEt mama

  7. AWESOME AWESOME blog!!!!!!LUV the new tatt...Africa

  8. Hey girly!!!! Love the new tattoo!!! We went to Identity to get our's too!!! we got ours done by Tiffer but Terrance is awesome!!! It looks great and the meaning behind it makes it AMAZING!!! Love ya!!!

  9. preach it sister!!! and i LOVE the new tat!!!

